Wow well today was really sad. We had the senior and yearbook assembly which was kool, it just made me really sad to see the seniors up there in their gown thingies, I cannot believe this year really is over. Soooo much has happened, i've grown up a lot and made some really good memories and friends!
This weekend was ok, on friday nat came over and we got dressed (u'll see in the pics below) and were ready to go to marshalls and marco picked us up. Then on the way we hear that it had been raided already so we go over to crystal hughes and she wasnt there so we were basically just hanging out in her driveway. Well then everyone decided to go to mexico so we left and went to whataburger w/patrick, joey, josh, sean, and tyler. After that we went driving around and the boys yelled at random people on the street and ate swedish fish. After we were done yelling i spent the nite at nats and we got up super early to go to her soccer thing in las cruces. I fell asleep for a little while but from what i saw she played really well, i was proud of her! Then we came back here and ate quizno's... mm! Then i had to come home and go to drivers ed to drive, i surprise myself, i didnt run over any bushes or curbs this time! So then i came home got dressed, went over to nats and marco picked us up and we went to pacos for a little bit and we were off to bones w/robbie. Bones got raided early so nat, marco, and i were thinking of things to do and ended up at chicos.....great idea! I hadnt had it in sooo long. Then the boys dropped us off and i came home watched closer and fell asleep. Yesterday i woke up and my family was gone so i ordered movies on indemand all day. It was fun being able to relax. Well that was my weekend, i hope everyone else had a good one! Tata! Leave me lotsa comments! ;-)