May 01, 2005 00:18
Ahhhhh well i can finally update lol. All week I was busy w/stuff for the recital and then new girl practice and all that stuff. The recital went pretty good, tons of snaps to saltatrix, their dances were amazing and exhausting im sure. The trooperettes did awesome! Painted black, the kick, and second periods dances looked soooooooo good! I hope ours did too lol. It made me kinda sad when we were backstage waiting to go on talking to the seniors and stuff, tonite was like the last time we're gonna be able to do that =( After the recital Rachel, Natalie, and I went to taco bell and then called outback to order desserts ( i know we're heffers). Rachel ordered us some sinful sydney sundae or something...omg it was sooooooo good! That was the highlight of my evening hahah. After that we drove around then decided to go back to Rachel's for a while, then came home. Tomorrow i plan on sleeping and tanning most of the day, natalie and rachel are both unbelievably brown so i need to catch up hahah ;) . Well thats all i have to write about rite now,have a good rest of the weekend! Tata!