you're out of my mind <3

Nov 10, 2005 12:50

i haven't updated for a while and i feel like i should.

Day before yesterday: went to school and then went to burger king with max ben and alyssa and i got chicken nuggets and then fries and a drink and the guys got a lot of food. im dumb for eating BK it made me feel sick after. But i got a crown from there cuz im soo cool like that =] Then we left and went back to Ben's house and hung out there.

Yesterday: Had school, and YAY! it was an early release, although it didn't feel like it was at all. Once the bell rang i walked to the high school to meet alyssa and she didnt come for like 10 minutes so i waited with Jeremy. and then once she got to us we walked downtown. We stopped at the park and sat on the bench and called ben. And it was soo funny Jeremy was like "WE'RE HAVING A PICNIC COME HERE!" lol only if you were there. Then we went down to Me and Ollies and sat there for a few mintues and then went outside and met Ben. Then Jeremy wanted Chinese Food so we went and sat in the resturant and then Chink lady was mad because i broke the chop sticks haha, and then when his food came i ate like 2 peices of chicken while we were having some wwwwwweird conversations and i think we were talking about sex? or something haha idk i cant remember it was really weird and funny though. And then we got up and the chinese lady got like a 10 cent tip haha. Then we walked and we ended up standing on the corner for like 20 minutes and ben talked to his friends and alyssa went home and then me jeremy and ben walked to bens house and hung out there. Then matt came over and wanted jeremy to go with him to get his bong and jeremy wouldnt and they like started fighting haha it was sooo funny. and then roxanne and rosie came over. and i called my mom to tell her i was at bens and she's like " i don't feel comfortable with you there without alyssa " im like wow wtf " and shes like im having paul come pick you up" im like i dont even know paul hes gunna like rape me and then she hung up on me and i was like ahh im gunna get raped and rosies like just tell him you have aids. im like haha thats a good idea ill keep that inmind.

then i left and went to my moms work. and now today i dont have school and i dont have school tomorrow either and i really want something to do other then sit here and do absolutely nothing. <33

oh and i also took a few pictures today.

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