Dec 30, 2013 22:14
My plants are an extension of my soul. I tend them so that life may spring from their roots. I am joyful with each new flower, with each new sprig. The fact that my care renders beauty makes me happy and I have the satisfaction of self-accomplishment.
Today I allowed mother to do yard work at my place unsupervised. She cut down all of the bushes (hydrangeas) to a foot or two from the ground!!!!!! And she cut my rose bush (the ultimate crime).
I know roses are supposed to be cut back pretty far, but tell me who does this and still gets 40+ roses from their bush during the summer? Not people with cut back bushes.
Initially I was not upset but felt more defeated. I won't be here next year to see the blooms - or now lack of blooms. Plants are not one thing I cannot take with me, I will have to start over every time I go to a new location. However, upon reflection and how closely I guarded my plants from happy-snippers over the years, I am upset! I don't care that I won't be living here. She mutilated my plants! It will probably take two years before anything grows nicely like it did before. Who has two years to wait on a plant? Not me.
To give her credit, she was trying to be nice and wanted to help out in some way. The yard does looks neater.