Milk and Honey Kisses

Feb 01, 2006 01:01

    ♥GENERAL♥   Name: Kerianne
Age: 18
location: Upstate, NY
Sex: Female
Birthday: 6-17-87
Status, pics?: Taken, For a little over a year now" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
  ♥FAVOURITES♥   Movies: Wedding Crashers, Mean Girls, and Im not going to try to hide it-- Im a sap for a good cheesy love movie.
Bands: Dave Mathews, DeltaForce23, Euphoria, and a lot of local bands
Songs: Its a weird combo, I know: "Beautiful"- Christina Aguliera; "Comfortably Numb" - Pink Floyd; "Don't Speak"- No Doubt
Food: Im addicting to hot, soft pretzles with nacho cheese, yum!
TV Shows: Im a shoe-in for a reality TV,
Stores: DKNY, New York & Company, Simply Divine
  ♥THIS OR THAT♥   kiss or cuddle: cuddle
sing or dance: dancing
coke or pepsi: coke (preferably diet)
heels or flats: whatevers most comfortable- so, most of the time, flats
Paris or Nicole: Paris for looks; Nicole for personality
Rock or Rap: Rock, but sometimes a rap song comes along which surprises me
make up or no make up: natural, not radically bright, makeup

Who would play you in a movie of your life?: Audrey Hepburn or Natalie Portman
Why should you be accepted?: Im an active member in all communities im apart of
Say something lovely about the mod's;): You must hear that your beautiful/cute a lot- but (other than just the look things- becuase its true- you guys are beautiful...) you guys also look like girls who I would want to get to know better and be friends with- you guys seem to have awesome personalities.
MySpace, if you have one?: I dont anymore- caused too much drama between friends
Promote in three or more places (At least one personal journal or active community) and provide links.
Post 3-6 pictures of yourself, no more. Also please indicate which picture you would like for the members page if you're accepted." alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"> ^ I'd like to use this one if i'm accepted" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket">
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