Apr 16, 2006 14:54
Anymore I rarely find the time to check up on LJ let alone write an entry of my own, there are a million things happening around me,and yet they all seem trivial in the broader scheme of things.
Currently I am working on four projects and three papers for four different classes. I admit this is the heftiest load of projects I've had in my years at IU/Nanzan. One of my projects for my G300 History of Monsters class was to create my own "Miyazaki Style" monster, i.e. a monster which looks like it should be in old Japanese tales, but really doesn't exist. Miyazaki is a wonderful creator of such marvels, the best example would be all the creatures in 千と千博の神隠し aka Spirited Away (my favorite monster in that movie is the Daikongami [Radish God] btw). Maybe later I'll take the trouble of sticking my monster's image up on LJ, apparently they only take images that already exist on the interweb since I don't pay LJ to have an account. But this doesn't keep me from explaining Wasuregatamisho, my horrible creation.
Wasuregatamisho [忘れ形見食](lit. "keepsake eater") is a small invisible creature whose favorite past time and soul purpose in life is to steal commonly used things by humans for short lengths of time-then return them. An example would be my papertowl roll which I couldn't find this morning, then tripped over because it was laying in the middle of my floor. Anyway, Wasuregatamisho eats the object, then later spits it out in a different yet obvious location. It also defecates dust bunnies explaining why those tend to appear and multiply quickly. Physically the Wasuregatamisho has two large ear/hands, armpit hair, beady little eyes, claw feet, and a large protruding tongue. Basically looks like a bastardized rabbit.
In other news, there are only three weeks left of spring semester, IU and the Indy area keep getting beaten to death by small tornados, and I have a part time job as a photographer's assistant. Oh, and I won't be graduating until May 2007 since I made my Anthropology minor into a second major and added International studies as a new minor, so I'm currently majoring in EALC, ANTH, and minoring in INTL.
Mike's and my wedding plans are still on for May 2007, along with my planning on attending graduate school that fall. I also plan on becoming certified to teach high school Japanese sometime in the near-ish future. I may participate in a research contest for past Overseas Studies students which could result in giving a lecture in Austin, Texas next March, my proposal is due May 26th.
Well I believe that is all this small elf has to say, I'm off to the conbini.