Oct 25, 2005 09:25
So let me tell you a little about my weekend, it all started Friday afternoon right after my math class had ended. I hustled over to my academic advisors office to talk to her about my student status and quiz her more about grad school applications and times. Britta (my advisor) is a nice lady who handles the 40 of us (yes, there are only 40 senior EALC majors out there folks for as large as this school is, most people choose it as a minor) in a pretty warm fashion, compared to most advisors who just sit there like toads starring at you and just accepting whatever crap you're feeding them. Getting back to the story, I found out I have 29 credit hours left, so I won't be graduating in May 2006 as planned, instead I will graduating in December 2006. I'll be a super senior, yay.
Learning that I am graduating in another year just delays all the grad stuff I have been working on. *sigh* I'll still be asking for recommendations from professors etc...But now I don't have to implode while doing it from stress.
Speaking of stress, I no longer have math to contend with, I had to withdraw it, which I managed to do with two hours of running around the old crescent after meeting with Britta. I guess running around in low 50s temperatures with only a sweat shirt as a coat isn't the wisest of moves, I believe I made a cold worse.
By the way, whoever decided that it was wise to set off a blow horn at 7am in front of my building out to be drawn and quartered? Lucky for whomever that was that I couldn't function fast enough to kill him. grr.