(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 16:35

The concert yesterday was weird... it was pretty empty ... not a lot of people went, the band room is a mess, the gong dropped last night when we were bringing it back to the band room, freakin little sevies messed with my drumset, a "professional photographer" kept on taking pictures of us and he asked to have a picture of me and my brother.. eww... I'm all complaining about the concert right now but it was good at the same time. :D I didn't drop my drmsticks, I barely messed up and when I did people couldn't tell that I messed up :] hehe eighth graders get to yell at sevies =] yayy :P Mr. Conway owes me, Linda, Eugene, and Christy A LOT for helping out afterschool and stayed 'til like 3:30 and he owes me the most for bringing my drumset or else we would've had to use that real sucky durmset sitting in the band room right now.
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