Conservatives have been getting a lot of flack over the years about their so-called racist overtones and affiliations. Socialist Nazi Democrats have unfairly singled out conservatives to be racists, using their twisted rhetoric and documented facts. Conservative syndicated radio host Neil Boortz to the rescue!
Neil has courageously put his $0.02 in via Twitter. Bonus points for doing it on the upcoming anniversary of Katrina:
"Obama wants to rebuild New Orleans. Why? Build it and they will come. They? The debris that Katrina chased out.
9:04 AM Aug 25th from web"
At a minimum it is classist, but let's be honest about what's he's really saying. While there's nothing "wrong" or illegal about his statements, he has nominated himself as a prime Robert Novak Memorial Douchebag of The Year candidate.
Twitter - The career suicide capitol of the world since 2008.