Hello Everyone-
French Meadows is July 20-22 this year. $69 for motorcycles, +$5 for each car. Please apply by July 16.
It will be at the shady site this year. We hope you will find it equal parts easy, cheezy and sleazy.
The application is here:
http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/8IPST18vDJozfTOycd6HNLByCJqO9jdfZ6GkfxI3oGBdOSJeBeEblYrJlDffte0ONvnrMlTAbR4nkM0HVNVt/2012FrenchMeadowsApplication.pdf Bring a couple of dark old or el cheapo Tshirts and I'll print you a free silkscreen of our DaddyHeart lion. One of the shirts is bound to turn out badass.
Swimming, riding, good food, hot fun and plenty of men will set the tone for our sometimes annual romp through the rugged and beautiful Sierra Nevadas in the Granite Chief Wilderness of the Tahoe National Forest. Reached by way of Mosquito Ridge Road, this route is an excellent ride!
Cost per person is $69 for the two night event. Auto and RV parking is an additional $5.00 per vehicle. Motorcycles park free! Biking or carpooling is encouraged. Price covers all campground fees, Friday night dinner, breakfast lunch and dinner on Saturday, continental breakfast on Sunday, refreshments throughout the weekend, bike events and commemorative pin. The campsite features barbeque grills, picnic tables, a large fire pit with plenty of seating, many shaded areas for tents, bathrooms with sinks and vault toilets. It's a quick walk to the water's edge, so send in your registration today!
Come on out and have a good time!