Look, do I honestly think anyone who reads my journal doesn't also read
copperbadge? No, I don't. Sam is everywhere. But on the off-chance that you haven't seen this link he posted yet:
I guess being gay makes you less of a human fucking being. Who knew? Here's a brief summary of what that post is going to tell you! Clay and Howard, 77 and 88 respectively, lived in Sonoma County. They'd been together for 20 years. When Howard fell down the stairs, the county separated them, putting them each in different nursing homes against their will. AND they sold their house and their belongings without permission! BECAUSE APPARENTLY CLAY AND HOWARD ARE NOT PEOPLE, JUST GAYS.
Seriously, I don't even know what to say, except: repost the shit out of this. Tell everyone you know. The above link offers a petition you can sign and a way to contact the local papers out there; do that. Show your bosses. Tweet about it. Whatever you have to do, because this? This is disgusting.