Mar 23, 2010 15:08
Gah, ok.
SORRY about the rather desperate plea for assurance that was my last post; I've locked it down entirely, because I'm a little embarrassed at myself. That said? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH for your comments, I can't explain how much that show of support helped. You're all incredible.
For those who didn't see the post, I broke up with my SO last night. I am fine and I emphatically do not want to talk about it, but I am mentioning it to warn you: if for the next few days, my posts are erratic and/or extremely unusual, THAT IS WHY. (The fanmix will be both erratic and unusual, and also WAY TOO LONG FOR A FANMIX, but that cannot be helped.)
If anyone has a prompt for fic they'd like to read, comment and let me know? I've got a number of things on the burner but I'm the mood to do some random drabbling/comment!fic. Because writing is the cure to all of life's ills, and girl!Neal is eating my brain, and there's only so much Gatsby/Neal crossover a person can spit out in a day. Yes.
real life is messy,
my brain is to blame,
my flist is awesome,
prompt request