In which I am a complainer.

Mar 02, 2010 13:25

1) GMAIL WON'T OPEN, IT WON'T OPEN, WHY WON'T IT OPEN. I feel like I've been locked out of my home. And, since it appears to be opening for the rest of the universe, I feel like I've been locked out of my home while everyone else on my block is already inside, having a party.

2) I don't want to write this paper. I DO want to write White Collar fic. I'm a creative writing major; that should be allowed. DEAR PROFESSORS, PLEASE GRADE ME ON PORN INSTEAD OF ANALYSIS.

3) My kidneys are doing weird shit, because apparently whatever they normally do is not providing them with enough thrill. I don't understand why I can't get sick like normal people. I would be perfectly fine with getting a couple of colds a year; instead, I'm ridiculous healthy until I get sick with something unusual that completely knocks me out. WORK ON THAT, BODY.

(Gah, ok. I am, in fact, very lucky to be so healthy generally and I do not, in actuality, have it bad. Also I am totally, y'know, gonna live and stuff. I'm just, I don't know, looking for some cheese to go with my whine? Griping because it makes me feel slightly less like choking a bitch? Yes.)

4) I have neglected the coffee; it has become cold. I am drinking it anyway, and the taste it has left in my mouth is one that I had up until today associated with hangovers. Which is not really all that far off from how I feel, but is unusual nonetheless.

5) I get that it's the week before spring break, other students at my university, but some of us have actually put the time and energy into developing study habits and have made use of the library before now. In summary: get out of my spot.


1) There is a new episode of White Collar tonight. I will get through today, because there is a new episode of White Collar tonight. I will not kill anyone, because then they would take me to prison, and then I would miss the new episode of White Collar, which is on tonight. *repeats*

2) Once I finish this paper, my academic week becomes ridiculously easy.

3) There are antibiotics and painkillers waiting for me at the drugstore; I can pick them up when I get out of class.

4) surreal_44 is writing me AWESOME PORN. :D

5) There are adorable balloons on my profile now. They make me smile, um, every single time I look a them. Thank you thank you thank you, dracofiend.

6) Come to that, thank you thank you thank you White Collar fandom in general, because you guys rock.

ETA: Feeling much better. Apologies for the general whining under the cut! :D

my kidneys are also to blame, me being obnoxious, my brain is to blame

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