The Watch on the Quinnipiac

Sep 13, 2013 15:21

Another in the surprisingly regular series of "How did I not know this already?" In this case, Yale's alma mater Bright College Years is sung to the tune of Die Wacht am Rhein. I mean, yes I knew Fair Harvard (bonus - this link actually gets you both hymns) scans kind of to the tune of The Tennessee Waltz, but this is incredibly more blatant (and, given the dates, must have been known at the time).

It's not that I'm shocked (shocked!) that they use the tune - Lieb Eli, magst ruhig sein - it's that I'd never heard. I remember showings of Casablanca were a regular part of college life, but no one even mentioned? (Remember, this was back before YouTube, DVDs, even VCRs: if you wanted to see Casablanca you had to go look for someone showing it.) Did they show the movie as much at Yale?

Go ahead and laugh at me if you must. Better late than never, I suppose.
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