Weekend update: Tropical edition

Jul 06, 2013 18:00

Item: This morning I mowed only half the lawn; tomorrow I shall tend to the second half. Partly this was sheer self-preservation against the heat and humidity, of course, but I have another motive as well: I hope that running the mower two mornings in a row will terrorize the rabbits more than only the once. (Out of simple vanity, I mowed the front half first.)

Item: Once again we see the importance of close and careful proofreading, this time as the Republic of Costa Rica fails to pay close attention to whether the bill they're voting on legalizes or forbids same-sex marriage. Professional pride mixes with social-policy schadenfreude to cheer me up (although I rather expect they'll set things straight again soon enough).

Item: And then on the domestic front, there's the latest setback to the ACA. While it only affects a small number, and as employees of groups they wouldn't be our members anyway, still a year's delay represents another small triumph for the forces of obstruction. I find the opposition's insistence that it just goes to show the administration's incompetence rudely disingenuous.

politics, grounds, work

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