Sunday night afterthoughts

Feb 25, 2013 21:49

The snow that had been forecast for the weekend with lots of Dire Foreboding didn't really get started until Sunday, about the time it had originally been scheduled to finish; even at that it didn't start sticking until very nearly the end of the day; and over the night it didn't accumulate more than 3 or 4 inches. But it was a heavy, sticky 3 or 4 inches I had to clear first thing Monday morning, and the town had not plowed overnight (significant snowfalls the last couple of weekends, which means paying road crews overtime, made this one seem not worth the money by comparison), so it was a slow and achey start to the work week.

And apparently Argo won Best Picture. I didn't actively dislike Argo, I just didn't like it so much that I thought it deserved to be best picture of the year. In particular, I thought the editing and cross-cutting just got too frantic sometimes (to quote some MST3K episode or other: "Just because you can edit doesn't mean you should") and look, Argo won the Editing Oscar too, go figure. I'd have been happier with Lincoln, say, or Beasts of the Southern Wild, but I'm not a voting member of the Academy. And those who are voting members of the Academy do tend to like movies about making movies, they say.

I gather that the script the CIA actually used for the real-history Canadian Caper was an adaptation of Zelazny's Lord of Light. My first reaction to reading that was, "not a book I would have tried filming on location in Tehran." But then I remembered that not all of India is hot and wet, many parts are hot and dry; mayhap I shall reread, thinking about which scenes might go well in a drier setting. (Another reaction was, "an Islamist revolution might not be a great place to go pretending to film a story with such a polytheistic theme," but I guess it worked out after all.)

film, reading

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