Twinkie thoughts

Nov 17, 2012 13:29

If Hostess does go into bankruptcy (and last I've heard they haven't actually filed anything yet, so the game of chicken is still on), but if/when they do, they will be trying to sell off all the assets they can for as much as they can get, it's part of the process. I don't see why the brand name and secret recipe for Twinkies could not be among the assets they would sell if offered enough cash. Maybe there is a reason they couldn't (I am far from being a lawyer), but certainly the cream-filled-immortal-barely-organic-golden-snackfood ecological niche would open up for Little Debbie or Kraft or someone, if there were really that much demand.

Not that I especially care: I never developed an appetite for Twinkies. What I'll miss are the fruit pies: in my youth they were a big part of my snackfood experience, and in my college years of my comics experience. But so it goes.


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