Views on the national news

Jul 13, 2012 21:43

Tom Goldstein lays out for SCOTUSblog a timeline of what went wrong in breaking the news of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Affordable Care Act: "We're getting wildly differing assessments". It's not just a simple matter of "Hah-hah, Fox News rushes to partisan judgment (and CNN too)," it was a combination of many elements, the only morally questionable one being, Why the rush to treat this as 'breaking news' when everyone in the world knew it was coming out, practically to the minute? Plus added irony: the President was among the last to get caught up on the right story. (Goldstein posted this last Saturday, but I only got around to reading all the way through today.)

And from the news of the last two days: so not only didn't Romney know where he was living in 2001, he didn't even know where he was working. Really, Mitt, the more you insist you weren't lying, the less it looks like you're paying any attention at all. Not the best way of presenting yourself.

No more politics for now: this weekend, Readercon!

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