Grounds work

May 28, 2012 21:29

Since the Great Tree Massacre a year and a half ago, much more sunlight has been coming down to the areas around the driveway. That, combined with the remarkably mild winter and plenty of rain the past month, has resulted in a jungle of weeds sprung up where there once was space enough to put my mom's car when she left it with us for a month, and (even further back) where there was a path the kids took to/from middle school every day. Too much of a jungle: something's got to be done about it. Saturday I got out the old weedwhacker I'd used to trim the lawn terraces back in Malden and tried to attack the jungle: I gnawed away at a couple corners here and there and discovered that some weeks are much harder to whack than others; I think I used up more orange plastic whacking-line in 20 minutes on Saturday than I used in two-three years back in Malden. We're going to need bigger power tools.

Sunday I stuck to less powerful tools and more civilized parts of the grounds: cutting back the purple rhodos pretty drastically (seeing how well they recovered from last year's damage) (the white rhodos are still in bloom, so saving them for another weekend) and the frothy thing at the corner of the deck. The neighbors were having an incredibly raucous pool party through it all, but the kid who's been learning the trumpet has just played "Taps" and that seems to be signalling an end.

neighborhood, grounds

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