Playtime over, catching up

Apr 11, 2011 10:24

So, Measure for Measure is over. While I wish we could have spent a little longer on it, and (contrariwise) it's always a pity to have spent so many months preparing for only a couple hours' actual performing, nonetheless I'm relieved it's over and done with and I can look for other things to do with my time and mental energy.

How did it go, by the way? Rather well, it turns out. Everyone had their lines down by the end, yes, everyone; and hardly anyone missed their entrance, and even that not by much. And the audience responded, laughing at things we'd been working on so long we'd forgotten they were funny and that this is, after all, a comedy. Yes, yes, "problem play" and all that, but I think we've proven that if you play M4M as a comedy, yes it is a comedy.

And other impressions, beyond the play itself: nice site, very much the right size for the crowds we got (and why haven't we discovered this site before?); would have preferred an actual green room to a narrow "green" corridor with Indian dance class at the other end of it, but certainly a good enough site for a play; and gryphon2k's feast was simple, tasty, plenty enough but not much too much, and came out at almost the perfect pace: allowing time for dinnertable conversation but no long lags in between courses; and that's not counting the dish of stewed prunes the chef prepared specially for me :-Þ (Which were also very tasty, and which I shared with other members of the production to much LOL'ing.)

In other developments:
- The pump keeps pumping but less frequently, and moreover the basement floor is dry - so that's at least a moderate success.

- Back during the kerfluffle a couple years ago I went and staked out a patch on Dreamwidth (same name), but annoying though the recent disruptions on LJ have been, they've not been bad enough to send me over. The critical mass of friends is still here, plus I've had enough other things to do In Real Life (did I mention this play I've been in?) that I haven't needed better access than I've been getting. I could see switching sometime, but not driven to it yet.

- I've started putting some of my LJ book reviews onto Amazon, just to see how I feel about it. Don't feel left out: if you read them here, you see them first and you get my more personal opinions.

- Started watching AMC's new series, "The Killing." Firstest and mostest impression: Seattle does a very good job at recreating the dreariest of Danish weather. (It is based on a Danish original, isn't it? And many of the principals have quite Nordic names.) So far I enjoy it, but they're leaving so much room to go all "Twin Peaks" on us that I'm reluctant to commit whole-heartedly.

- My word, it's suddenly warm out. It looks as if all the snow is gone, even the plowed pile at the end of the street (though it's hard to be sure).

tv, commedia, sca

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