Noted on my constitutional

Mar 17, 2011 18:26

It was sufficiently warm and dry today that Wadi Newbern was dried up in the middle stretch, before the water from No. 8 gets into the road. Not that the headwaters had failed: the pump keeps on pumpin' (I hear it kick in just now, for instance).

Out in the neighborhood, I noticed that while the snow is certainly vanishing, it is doing so unevenly: some yards are almost entirely clear, and others are still clean unbroken fields of white (though presumably much shallower fields than they used to be). It's not entirely a matter of exposure to the sun: some of the snowy yards are quite large and open, and some of the clear ones small and surrounded by trees. Our own yard is still mostly snow-covered, but with clear paths where D and I had once forged trails to get the snow rake up close to the porch, the front door, the shed, etc.; also, in the back, the hammock frame sits neatly in a bare oval over the septic tank.

Also of note: according to the almanac today is the equilux, the date when day and night are of equal length (or close enough: sunup to sundown is 11:59), which is not the same as the equinox even though that's clearly the original meaning of the word.

neighborhood, seasons

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