updatey goodness

Feb 29, 2008 21:47

A collection of bits, as we get ready to hunker down for yet more snow:

C is off to Richmond to visit her mom. She gets to drive down and back in good weather, and stay snug indoors for the rains they're due to get down there (instead of good New England snow).

We subscribe to Netflix. Every now and then, a disc arrives cracked or broken or otherwise unplayable; Netflix is very good about sending out a replacement even before they get the dud back. Over time, we've noticed that B's series of Inu Yasha discs account for most of the broken ones, but this latest is just ridiculous: today we got the third consecutive broken disc of vol. 27 ("Brothers in Arms"). Somebody out there must really hate that volume; and, doesn't Netflix ever check these discs before popping them in the mail?

Speaking of B, she got another acceptance: Rochester Institute of Technology. One of her faves, although personally I don't think it's all that good a match for her, sci/tech not being her strong point. Still, at this point her final decision will be choosing between preferred places, so hooray B.

The traffic light by the new Staples is now On (i.e., green instead of flashing yellow). Don't believe the Staples is actually open yet, but must be pretty soon.

L ate up all his breakfast and his dinner today: good boy, L. He may be coming to terms with the new Iams.

neighborhood, dog, college hunt, kids: b

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