Jun 27, 2004 02:19
Just got home from babysitting, Slumber will be following shortly, so I'll make this quick before she gets here. Day was good, got up, puttered domestically with watering plants and whatnot, laundry. Watched soccer game, talked to sister on phone for a while. She's doing okay, she's alive and she'll make it through by the sounds of things, although it does seem that she misses us a fair bit. Went to babysit, went to the lagoon, went home, went outside to cook ribs, went downstairs and watched Matrix Reloaded. The glasses worn by Seraph are the ones that I should very much like to acquire. Talked with Heather for an hour after I put the girls to bed. She has never seen Record of Lodoss Wars, can you believe it? I was shocked. I am gonna do a GIS on Karla to see how she corresponds to Slumber, I think we might finally have a winner if I can find her hooded. Oh, here, she just got home. Talk to you later.