Feb 03, 2006 09:57
Well, as I have a few moments between classes and am too tired to do anymore studying, I have decided to write a quick post.
Certainly, of the recent events in my unrelentingly busy life, the most notable has to be the demise of my poor old car. Having added 75,000 km of city driving in the last 3 years, the common consensus seems to be that it owes me nothing, but at the same time, it was a little sad to clean it out in anticipation of the automotive equivalent of the knackers-wagon. Which, incidentally, will arrive much earlier than originally intended, thanks to my dear Grandmother, who inadvertently arranged for it to be picked up this morning. As I was only notified last night, I spent a rainy hour in pitch darkness emptying out four years of spilled wiring and satellite accessories, pulling of license plates and other salvageable car parts (one new-ish headlight). I imagine that the Micra is, as we speak, being crushed into scrap metal, hopefully about to be recycled into a better life as a steel beam or soup can or summat. The engine had broken, you see. Somewhat comically, it had finally packed it in for good just outside Tony Valentine's house next to Canadian Tire, perhaps 150m from my mom's house, and to get it back into the driveway, back over the hill, where I could legally remove the plates, I had to enlist the aid of my Co-worker Dennis, who used his vehicle to push my car up the hill. It was surprisingly fun. Dennis is currently enrolled in school full-time, and as he owns a scooter in addition to his Ford Tempo, has graciously offered to lend me his car for the forseeable future, in exchange for a few minor repairs, such as 2 new tires and a wheel alignment. I take possession on Monday, which means I will no longer have to borrow Karen's car to do my installations. One side benefit is, however, that having already paid my year's insurance in full, I can expect a reasonable rebate by cancelling my policy with ICBC, which will more than cover the cost of the repairs.
Right, so apart from car troubles, things have been busy, as per usual. This week, for example, I haven't returned home from work/school for longer than about ten minutes before at least 9pm. Usually closer to 10. Tonight will be no different, as from school I will go to work, perhaps dinner with Jen and Andrew Lane if I finish in time, then from there to a likely very windy soccer practice, home by 11 say. It's getting rather frustrating, as I don't actually get to see Jen anymore, save for when I stagger into bed. Yes, and I've given up eating meals. And Showering. I made a grocery bag full of "Trail mix" last week, divided it into 11 portions, and it gets me by, as does the occasional mandarin orange, plus whatever nutritional content I can glean from toothpaste. (Jen's excellent spaghetti that was waiting for me when I got home the other night the formidable exception.)
However, there is a light at the end of every tunnel, and I expect to see mine in two weeks time, when my work hours will be scaled back to 2 1/2 days a week, which will give me time to do things like clean the house and body, actually study/do homework, get back into some for of physical fitness, maybe read a book? or any of the other myriad activities that most other people seem to enjoy on a semi-regular basis.
Well, that was a ranting 10 minutes. I have to go to class now. Perhaps I'll update again later, with cheerier news.