Dec 02, 2005 12:36
Why do I resort to LJ to vent my feelings mostly when I am ashamed?
So, today when the (insert expletive of choice here) Government are passing the IR slavery condoning legislation and doing a Joe McCarthy on us with their so-called anti-terrorist legislation, a young man, the same age range as my son and his friends, is executed in Singapore.
Just how do these things improve the world?
Where are the values of compassion and forgiveness and charity and LOVE in any of this?
So I cry. And light a candle. And petition Barnaby Joyce.
And I just rang Optus and severed my relationship with them as I will not deal with the Singapore government. The young lady I dealt with completely understood, said her Mum feels the same and validated my action which is pretty small in the overall scheme of things but all I can do.
This Government makes the horntail from Harry Potter snd the Goblet of Fire look amusingly cute and cuddly. HP rocked, by the way. It was also a treat to see Benj for even a little while yesterday. I'm very proud of him.
And yes, Jenn's new glasses are win, total win...
harry potter