Victoria Von Vandervort

Mar 15, 2009 16:25

The art projects are really coming along nicely, and I'm just plain glad to be making something again.   It took a while to overcome the hurdles, such as having supplies ready, to get creative without restrictions.  I will eventually get back to doing some painting, but gadget sculpture seems to be the way to go right now for me.  For one, the supplies are free or dirt cheap- find some busted crap and take it apart, repaint it and slap it together.  It's recession AND eco friendly!   Two, it's easy on the apartment because there's no excess of paint and water everywhere.  I can do it sitting on my living room floor and not have to drag my painting supplies outside in the teeny tiny bit of grass that I have outside my porch.

So I'm running with the steampunkish theme and really digging it.  I love all things bygone era and antique, and Victorian has always been high on the list; right up there with Elizabethian and mid-century (40's and 50's).

Good times.  Off to take an old sewing machine apart.

art, steampunk, victorian

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