Pokemon Nuzlocke Run; Ruby - Issue 1

Jun 30, 2011 21:29

So yeah, Pokémon is obviously not mine. Just a little amusing Fanwork to go along with my Nuzlocke run in Ruby.

Info on my Run

Off we go!


The following has been transcribed from a vocal recording:
So I just moved to this new town, and it's like this little podunk nothingsville on the edge of the largest Island of the Hoenn region. Dad moved us out here to be with him, since he's taken over a Gym here somewhere. We're not even in the town where his Gym is. Way to go dad! Couldn't you move us somewhere nice if we weren't going to be in the same town anyhow? Lilycove and Mossdeep sound cool, or Oh! What about Slateport? The beach there looks so nice!

But no. We get dumped in Littleroot. It even sounds boring and small. (and it is both!) Dad doesn't even come help us settle in. Noooo. Leave that to the movers. So he gets me this clock to make up for it I guess. Kind of silly, seeing as it doesn't work and I am not taking it with me when I head out.

Because I am headed out. No way in HELL are you making me stay here. I mean, the neighbors are nice enough I guess, but it's just so SMALL. And I'm a budding young woman (not that you would know, dad, seeing as we haven't seen each other in months!) and I am already feeling stifled here. So what to do? Get a Pokémon and travel! Oh look! I'm following in your footsteps. Only I plan to actually go somewhere with it, rather than pansy out and plant my ass in a gym. Fuck that! I'm going to go kick ass and take names. Actually, screw taking names! Let's just go kick butt!

So I go meet the neighbors. The Birch's seem like nice folk I guess. Brendan is so not my type and it just makes me want out of this town so much more. But he offers to catch me my first Pokémon. Fuck you man! I'm not some frail little girl; if I want help, I'll ask for it! But he runs off and I'm glad for it. I'll show him!

So I head out myself, out to Route 101 north of town. And there's a guy standing there gibbering on about hearing screams. Idiot; DO SOMETHING. But he's clearly not moving, so I go to see if I can help. And there's this older guy running around screaming like a baby. He's being chased by a little Poochyena. The little fluffy dog is SO CUTE. I resist the urge to laugh as the screamer directs me to his dropped satchel which has some Pokéballs in it.

Moron. Armature mistake numero uno: getting separated from your Pokémon. Dunce. I want to let the pooch bite him. Or kick him in the jimmy. Or perhaps both. But whatever, I pick up a ball. It feels kind of warm to the touch and I'm hoping it's filled with something fiery. Out pops a Torchick. Well ok, not what I was expecting, but it's a cute little critter, so yeah! Let's go burn some shit!

Oh. You don't know ember yet? Poor little thing. Ok, go scratch out the pup's eyes then!

SCRATH SCRATCH and pup goes down. Dawww. I wanted it. Sigh. Well whatever, apparently Mr. Screaming Baby is Professor Birch. (Once again, I resist the urge to laugh.) He asks me to go back to his lab. In hopes of something for my trouble, I go.

Score! He lets me have the Torchick who is apparently fond of me now. Cool. I name her Metis. After I find and beat Brendan in a battle, (Really dude? You think you’re so great.. try ATTACKING in battle. It usually helps!) He also gives me a Pokédex and some Pokéballs. Awesome! Being nice to folks pays off!

So I stop back at home to let mom know I’m leaving and she hands me some running shoes. Nice. They should be helpful. She gives me this lecture about not running indoors as I change out of my useless shoes that I can’t run in (what are they, stilettos?) and put on the new running shoes. Comfy! Off we go!

So I decide that in effort not to be selfish, or maybe it’s so I have more stuff to kill (I dunno, there was logic in there somewhere) I decide I’m only going to catch the first Pokémon I encounter on a route. Unless I have one already. Or shinies. Fuck you all, if I run into a shiny, that bastard is mine!

I hope the first one I run into is another Pooch- oh. A Zigzagoon. It looks all gross; scruffy and matted. I think it could really use some love. So with Metis at my side, we knock it down and I catch it.

I take the poor thing to the Pokécenter in Oldale. It looks like it got chewed up and spit out. They clean it up and heal it, but it still looks a bit gross. I guess it’s natural. Apparently it’s a girl. Sweet! I name her Themis. She seems to love me. I think Metis is a little jealous, but she’ll get over it.

I wander around with my gals for a bit and beat down some Pokémon to give them some exercise. Themis runs off while Metis is battling, but comes back quick enough, so I don’t worry too much about it. Then I realize she’s holding something. I’m pretty sure I didn’t give her anything, so I look and she gives me a Rare Candy. Whoa! Where did you get that?

Foraging? I find that hard to believe, but whatever. I slip it into my pack and give her a nice pat on the head. She’s such a happy little scruff pile. I like her, despite her looking a bit nasty.

We hit Route 103 and come across a Wingull. Birds are cool, though this one looks kind of dopey. Oh well, we wear it down and I catch it, adding Zephyrus to the party. He knows water gun, so I figure that should be useful.

We head back into Oldale and take a rest. Oldale is somehow smaller than Littleroot, so once we hit the shop and the center off we go again.

We head over to Route 102 looking to add party member four on our way to Petalburg. I hope I find a Pooch- Oh. Seedot. Well ok. Not my first choice, but I manage to catch it. I name it Iapetus.

Oh look at that, Themis has found something. Great Ball? Where did you find that? Well ok, yeah sometimes you will find discarded balls when a trainer misses their target. Not that I have any idea why anyone would use a Great Ball on the Pokémon around here; we’ll just go with it. I put it away and give her another pat. I swear she’s purring. Aww. She’s so.. fugly. It’s cute. I guess.

Onward to Petalburg! I hear there’s a gym here! I’m looking forward to my first gym battle and- Oh. Hi dad. He asks me to help this kid, Wally, catch a Pokémon. Sure, why not? So I follow him over to Route 102 and watch him catch a Ralts. He didn’t really need me, but ok. I did my good deed for the day!

Back to the gym! I want my badge! What do you mean you won’t fight me Dad? You just lent that kid your weakass Zigzagoon which I know mine would flat out stomp, but you say I need to be stronger. Screw you old man.. I’ll hand you your worthless ass later. Jerk.

Sulking a bit, we move onto Route 104. There was meet a Taillow. Pretty bird! It cheers me up a bit to catch it. I name him Crius.

As I’m fawning over Crius, I feel Themis tugging on my pack. What do you have now? A nugget? Wow. That’s awesome! Still, I give her a curious look as I pack it away with the full heals and super potions she’s brought to me already. Well whatever, she gets hugs and we continue on through Petalburg Woods.

There we stumble upon a Wurmple. I don’t hate bugs, but they’re certainly not my favorite. I guess this one is kind of cute though. I catch it and name it Coeus. As I check Coeus over to make sure he’s ok to fight, Themis begs attention again.

Whoa there girl! Where DO you keep finding this stuff? Oh sure, you ‘found it’; probably in another trainer’s pack! Oh well, I guess as long as I can’t prove it, I have to just roll with it. You need some battles though.. eventually you’ll shed that fuglyness and evolve into Lioone, which would be great!

I stop to talk to this guy who gets harassed by this joker in a weird costume. Says he’s part of some group called Team Aqua. Whatever, we whoop his Poochena’s cute little butt and send him packing. For my help, the guy gives me a Great Ball. Cool. I’m so helpful!

We battle on through the woods and the second half of Route 104, get some battle experience for the newbies. The trainers around here are wimpy and poor, but at least I made a little money and got some good experience for my team. Metis learns Ember, (I’m so proud!) and Coeus evolves into Silcoon. Awesome!

We stop at the flower shop and they give me a Wailmur Pail to water berries and help them grow. Well, I hate to tell them but anytime I try to grow something, I kill it in some spectacular way. So I just smile and nod and take the thing so the woman will shut up. Outside the shop, this guy hands me a TM so I can teach one of my Pokémon Bullet Seed.

I hear there’s a Gym in Rustboro that focuses on Rock types. Bullet Seed should be really helpful for that! I think I’ll hold onto it for now just in case I pick up another Pokémon that is better suited to it. I mean, I’d just teach it to Iapetus, but with my luck he’ll die and I’ll be out the TM. (Not that I want him to die.. but he is kind of useless at the moment!)

Anyway, I’m looking forward to getting my first badge! So we move on into Rustboro and hit the Pokécenter.

I think we still need a bit of practice before we take on the Gym, so it’s off to Route 116 to battle some wilds and a few trainers. Once again, the trainers turn out to be kind of wimpy. We run into a durpy looking Whismur that gets added to our ranks. Well, my first teammate in waiting! I name her Rhea and send her off to a PC box.

But a heap of dead Pokémon later (wilds, not mine!) and Coeus breaks free from the cocoon and unveils its beautiful Beautifly wings! Not long after that, Iapetus evolves into Nuzleaf. Sweet! I go ahead and use the TM to teach Iapetus Bullet Seed. Now I am confident we can take on Roxanne.

A quick trip to the Pokécenter and then it’s off to the gym. Roxanne’s rookies are quickly put down and I give a lot of praise to Zephyrus, since he does all the work. Roxanne’s Geodude crumbles to Iapetus. Her Nosepass looks a bit burlier, so I send in Zephyrus.

POOR ZEPHYRUS! That bitch pulls a potion before I can land the kill strike. Nosepass isn’t healed all the way, so I think Zephy can take him with another good Water Gun. Unfortunately, Nosepass is apparently a little heftier than I expect and lives through the attack. Nooooooo! My poor Zephy goes down hard from Nosepass’ retaliating strike.

I pike up my poor bird and send in Iapetus to clean up. That bitch uses two more potions before Bullet Seed finally wears Nosepass out. I win bitch! Good thing too, as I know if Iapetus had faltered, there was little hope the rest of the team could really do much damage at all.

Once she gives me my badge I rush off to the Pokécenter to heal up my survivors and deal with the body of my poor, poor bird. He might have been dopey, but I loved him anyhow. Without a choice, I leave him with the center and pull Rhea from the PC Box. She’s still pretty green, so back off to Route 116 for some training…

nuzlocke, ruby, Pokémon

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