Ugh.. teeth troubles

Feb 10, 2010 18:21

So for like the last week I have been dealing with tooth pain. More than usual, I should say. Finally yesterday it was so bad that talking at all hurt like hell.

Now, normally people will say "just go to a dentist!" and yeah, I was trying. Problem is, with no income, no insurance and disability still in progress, I didn't have a whole lot of options. Matt made some calls for me (because I had been making calls too, getting yelled at over the phone, redirected and ignored- fun fun) and he finally got someone who told him to call this dentist which is right across from the pet store here, and thankfully not far.

SO he called them, and they made me an appointment. They were trying to stay open last night to take me in, but the snow was bad, and it's understandable that people have to get home. But they had a cancellation today, so they called and I was able to go in early.

Long story short, had to get a tooth pulled. Saw that coming. I have one more I will need to get pulled, but it's not bothering me right now, so we're hoping the disability goes through before that tooth becomes a problem like this one did.

But all in all, home now, novacaine wore off a little bit ago. Have some vicodin for overnight, and taking ibu during the day. Gauze is uncomfortable to say the least. But it's 1000% better than the pain I have been in for the last few days!
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