In preparation for Hurricane Gustav...

Aug 31, 2008 05:25

---To-do list of doom---
  1. buy massive amounts of alcohol - when Rita hit three years ago, we didn't have enough. it was bad.
  2. make sure all laundry is done - hand washing jeans is no bueno
  3. round up the emergency candles and buy more is necessary
  4. clean fish tank
  5. do all dishes in preparation of canned food days *sigh*
  6. call somebody to come mow this freaking lawn because it's scary and i swear there are pygmies
  7. bleach the hell out of bathtubs and fill with water - very useful for a multitude of things... wait a sec... our hot water is gas, not electric. hell yeah. hot showers at maggie's place as long as the water lines remain good *does a happy dance* - that was actually one of the worst parts of Rita was the whole no hot shower for a week
  8. ignore #7
  9. buy at least 14 gallons of water - don't mess with me, i grew up in Florida. i know that it's one gallon of water per day per person
  10. make sure we have enough canned food for at least 7 days - thank goodness that with Rita not all of the town was without power, may we be that lucky this time too
  11. round up all of our board games

am i forgetting anything?


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