Dec 11, 2004 22:51
I have now been sick with the same damn thing since the day before Thanksgiving. When I first went to the doctor, she thought that it was a fungal infection that was working its way through my system because a couple of people at work told me about somrthing like ringworm getting into the lockers. $165 later, I had a cream and antibiotics that were supposed to clear the whole thing up.
Well, when I get off the antibiotics, I break out even worse that I was when I was on them. I am now completely covered, head to toe, in red circles. I'm heading back to the doctor on Monday, but as of now she says it sounds like I have shingles, more commonly referred to as adult chicken pox. CHICKEN POX!!!! I am 23 years old, and stuck in my house miserable because of a case of the chicken pox. What the hell is that?! I think it's pretty damn funny, to be honest. I mean, life has been pretty good for the most part latley. But then again, Trinity did say she was going to get me or curse me before she left...
So, Brent and Andy have headed off to Rocky, and I'm here alone with the kitty, who has discovered the ceiling fan. She keeps trying to catch it, by sitting on the edge of my bed and watching it spin. Then, all of the sudden,WHOOSH! Up she jumps, to successfully bat at the pull chain on the fan, only to sprawl at my feet again. Ahh, the simple joys, right? :-) Well, I am going to take my probably chicken pox coated itchy ass into a baking soda bath. Hope all is well with everyone, I'll keep you posted!