May 05, 2010 11:18
i keep forgetting that my perception of reality is different from other peoples. so when i do or say something and people take it at face value and i assume that theyd look deeper into why i say what i say, i forget people dont do that. so it makes me look like a shallow fool. when really in my world, it is they that dont put any effort into trying to understand what im trying to really communication. metamessages, people!! dont be so fucking shallow.
because when people take no effort into trying to infer what im really meaning when i say something, I look like a fool with my pants on the ground- like a shallow bitch. do you forget im a scorpio?? we are the more intense of the zodiacs, nothing comes at face value with us. the reason people think im "shallow" is because i point out the superficial assuming people will take that extra step and understand what im really trying to say. i guess i cant rely on people to be that smart.
so stop thinking im shallow. take time to try to communicate with me. stop being so self absorbed and closed minded. stop calling me shallow just because you are too lazy to think anything into what i have to say.
shut the fuck up.