a chill pill has been taken, ok?!?!?!

May 29, 2003 02:41

ok, we are all entitled to rants aren't we?
that is sort of what lj is for, am i wrong?

being by myself up here has given me a lot of time to think and i agree with everybody else that i need to move on, so i am. i still think that some things are a little hazy with everyone's knowledge and opinion on the matter, but yes, we all need to act our age sometimes. i just find it a little humorous of those that dot dot dot, HAHAHA, ummmm, dot dot dot, whatever ok?

so, guys, i'm not completely insane. i am just trying to, i don't know, fix me. it's just taking longer than i hoped for. no one needs to worry about my lame ass anymore ok? everything really is ok in my head and i will not be a problem to anyone anymore. if you want to talk to me, you know how to get in contact with me, whether it be phone, snail mail, email, lj, etc. otherwise, alone i will leave you all until i don't feel like such a loser. i'm sorry for all of the mad drama and my ..... hopeless ignorance, perhaps? but as it is, this one was just a little harder to get over than, errrr, previous relationships, for many different reasons. but i am getting over it, so relax.

i encourage everyone to live their own lives and to not worry about me and/or care about what i think. i lost my privilege to have an opinion long ago. i truly love you all and again apologize for any of my idiotic, unnecessary rants of recent. there were just a few things, not even said in lj, that needed to be said to just finally be said, that's all. but like i really expected anything to come of it? of course not. like i said, i'm not a stupid bitch! LOL!!! anyways, i leave you all with this: as the song goes.....

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