Jun 12, 2005 21:25
this weekend i had a blast. it started with the new park gunnar and i have started. we had about 12 people come out all newbys except nachiro, my self and about two others who are still kinda new to the game but do rather well. one of the newbees cane out in garb. he got in to it realy well though he looked like an english noble cape and all and played a barbar.lol
then it was andys party. i dont think i had that much fun in a long time. i had a few drinks yes i was drinking...... i lerned i dont like moonshine. too harsh after it was drank. whaaaaaaaaaaa (gasp).
then came sunday i ran a turny that lady delokie came up with and had about 4 people drop out. that made things a little hard to keep up with as far as who was fighting who. trying to keep up with all the people and shit.
after the turny i ran a castle battle.(two teams full class 15 min. who ever had the most people alive in the castle at the end wins) got it from the shrine it was a blast then and was a blast this time.
we just got back from andys house for a BBQ. i have never had anything like it. the meat fell apart and was wonderfull. big kriss love ya and you can cook for me any time....... hehehehehe
getting off this thing now to spend time with aimee my beutifull wife.
kiss kiss and love to all