Let's see if I still remember how to do a fake cut....

Aug 21, 2010 21:53

Oh hey, look who's finally getting around to crossposting the fic she finished nearly a month ago. *facepalm*

Title: How I Spent My Zombie Apocalypse (by Shawn Spencer, age 33 3/4)
Author: GypsyJr
Fandom: Psych/Zombieland
Pairings: Shawn/Gus, Columbus/Wichita
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, and no copyright infringement or disrespect is intended.
Rating: mild R
Warnings: violence, minor character death, post-apocalyptic shenanigans and extremely dated novelty song references
Summary: The outbreak reaches Santa Barbara and an odd little family grows a little bit bigger. And odder.

( 'I keep telling you, it's not looting if you pay for things.')

In actual, life impacting news, my last day at my job is this friday (*CUE THE PARTY OMG*) and I start school again on the 6th (assuming my financial ducks are in a row, which is... kind of up in the air at this point. >_<) so hopefully my unintentional LJ exile won't last much longer.
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