Still not a zombie.

May 04, 2010 21:23

(... Though I suppose you'd never know otherwise. Not sure good the typing skills of the undead are.)

Anyway, aside from the usual "Hey, I haven't abandoned LJ" business, I've finally come to the decision that I'm going to start making personal posts on my Dreamwidth account (currently gathering dust as I use it for occasional comment) and keep this account for geeky/fandom-related entries.

All this is assuming work stops eating my brain. It should help that I no longer have to get up at 4:30 in the morning. :P

Something else I've been meaning to post for weeks: the RP community I co-mod is looking to recruit a player for Sam Axe, from Burn Notice. We're a small, casual, easy-going bunch, so if you know the show and are interested in the idea, drop me a line here, on Twitter, or through email and I'll give you the details.
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