Oct 23, 2003 16:54

Instead of that 7 layer Taco Bell burrito I wanted, I bought Betty a new husband. Arranged marriage costing $1.69. His name is Nicholas, and I think they make a great couple.

Her name is Stacey, and I'm not sure I liked her. I was late and she looked annoyed. She isn't a mom. Which is a good thing. I don't mean she doesn't have kids, cause she might...I wouldn't know. But she isn't a "MOM." I didn't see her wrist bone or her black nylons and think, "braid my hair!" -- I just felt little and like I needed to be to the point and factual, there would be no hugs involved, and lets just get to the point. That is a good thing. Because I was worried about a female therapist - knowing I get attached easily. So. So far so good. I answered her questions, she referred me to their psychiatrist. She recommended I get back on meds because while they won't be magic pills, they'll even me out enough to where I can get off of my couch without such effort.
She wants to see me once a week with breaks for pill doctor. Which is fine. Since I was on the fence about more psych meds, she made me look at them as a means to an end, rather than THE end. Yah? So. We'll see. She didn't even tell me goodbye though. And I don't like that. I always need to feel a little closure at the "end" of things. And that was weird. So. It was uncomfortable. But that was to be expected.

I was more accomplished this afternoon than I've been in a long while. I bought trash bags so we can empty our overflowing nastiness. I got my mail. From BOTH mailboxes. I'm about to pay bills. And I went to Gold Harvest JUST to buy Watermelon Laffy Taffy (my FAVORITE) and ended up buying more Stackers. I can't not take those. I blow up to a 500 pound gila monster without them. So. I give in. I'll be taking them the rest of my life. Whatever.

It is effing BEAUTIFUL outside today. I didn't roll my window up once while I was in the car. The music was BLASTING, the orange leaves were tumbling down around me everywhere, the sky was blue and white, the wind was blowing, and All Hallows Eve was/is approaching. I wanted to keep driving and never stop. It takes 42 minutes to get to the therapy office, and I listened to Forty Licks all the way there. I think I'm in love. My October soundtrack has been an awesome one. And next year if I haven't gone sky diving minus a parachute, I know I'll look back on this month and the music will stand out. Cool.

gratitude: the petco goldfish boy who had bad BO but was pretty anyway

519 calories -- Oooh...its 5:19 as I edit this!!! *do do do do do do...*
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