I'm boring.

Oct 20, 2003 04:57

I think I've become completely void of real thoughts. I can't believe I haven't posted anything REAL since the 12th. Geez. I've had plenty of distraction from my own mind...which...is hard to label a good thing or a bad thing.

Last week kaeruemi came to stay with us. We didn't have a whole lot of time, I'm still a little awed that he actually had a good time. Considering we sat around doing nothing, living our normal boring lives, going to work, avoiding the world....still...it was good to meet with him -- I think he'll make a fine Arizona roommate -- especially since he's seen how fekkin crazy lucy_jane and I are ALL the time. He's heard us bitch about our dead moms, our fat, he's heard us gush on and on about how much we love our residents, Abby's hot air, our Fleetwood Mac joy....and he still thinks we're cool. WEIRD! He had to leave Saturday, so we dropped him off at the bus and went to Erma's for lunch.

Its odd that we were more comfortable in a huge room full of 70+s than in a room full of people our age. Erma's new stead is beautiful...and I wish I were old so I could live there too. Of course, Erma is one of the 2 or 3 people on this planet that I could just be around and soak up and never be tired of. I would be SO lost without that woman. Its nice to have a few unconditional people in your life, ya know it?

Last night Abby and I decided to relive our Hacienda experience. I called in sick to work yesterday. Whatever, it was just church...they didn't really need me. Yesterday afternoon we were going to go to the Renaissance Faire in Folsom...but at 3pm we figured 2 hours wasn't quite worth the $10 so Abby decided we needed a few cheap penguin tattoos and we headed to Hangtown Tattoo. They were closed. So we went to Hacienda. A little after 4pm we were already dipped into a pitcher of strawberry margaritas. A little after 5pm the PITCHER was GONE. Yah. We were happy.

Planet Earth Rising. I needed some Rose Quartz. Found some. And a dorky spell book and a Ram Dass book. I don't have that money. But those things will boost my mood and center me until I get paid again. So. Home by 6pm. Asleep by 8pm. Awake at 4am. Twiddlin thumbs with Girl, Interrupted until time for work. Just another manic monday.

gratitude: Stackers and candy corn pumpkins

"Hey, some advice, just don't point your fuckin finger at crazy people!!"

"That is not FAIR!!! 74 is the perfect weight!!!!!"
"Now what kind of tree can you be down there on the floor, Janet?"
"I'm a fucking shrub, alright?"

oh lord, I LOVE this movie!!!
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