Nadolig Llawen!

Dec 24, 2012 20:55

It's Christmas day tomorrow! Spending it with the fam, as usual, though mam was supposed to be working, but she just texted me to say that she isn't now because they closed the ward and moved their three patients to another ward. So that is good times. And also means I won't have to cook all the dinner! I did make some cupcakes though:

And here's my tree. It's basically the same as last year. And the year before that.

Looks better in real life.

My nan died last weekend. Which is ok, she was pretty old and sick, and I didn't like her much anyway. I know that sounds mean, but she really turned into a horrible person as she got older. The worst part of it was looking after her when she was dying. Not that I begrudge doing it, and at the risk of sounding like and Eastenders character, but whether or not I liked her was irrelevant  she was still family, and that's what you do. Still, I bet she finds it hilarious that we're spending out Christmas arranging her funeral.

School is finished for Christmas! Obviously. We had two staff night's out. The first was bowling again (didn't think they were going to let us back there after the carnage which was out last bowling staff night out) but it was fun and a lot less chaotic. They tried to make us wear santa hats. I did not wear mine. Also, I managed not to fall down this year. Here's me and Gem:

There was a bar. We were there from 5.30 til midnight. I was pretty drunk.

The second staff night out, I didn't really make 'cause I was too pooped. And lame. It was straight after school on Friday. School finished at 3, I went over for the Christmas curry, because I'd already paid for it, but didn't stay for drinks. Was in my pj's by 5.30 and in bed by 9!

We've got a new headmistress. Basically, I love her. But she frightens me to death and I avoid speaking to her when I can. But her subject is also Welsh, and she's like a superteacher, so naturally I shat my pants when she came to observe my lesson. It went ok though and she gave me a 2 (1 being outstanding and 4 being unsatisfactory) so I was good with that.

TV: I've started watching Star Trek Enterprise. It's ok. I still need to get into it. Dexter - is it over now? Is that it?? Homeland is still fab. Still got the last episode to watch though. Forgot about it til now, truth be told. Downton Abbey Christmas Special - YES PLEASE.

Everyone needs to watch this:

image Click to view

Went to the hairdressers and got my fringe cut back in.

Looking forward to seein tashaabasha oparu n k8_rab or New Year!

I have a stinking cold.

I would end by saying that I'm going to post more, but that's prob not going to happen so I won't say it.

new year, christmas, pictures, school, bowling

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