icons & wallpapers

Aug 27, 2011 21:24

Some icons and wallpapers, most of which I made ages ago, but haven't gotten round to posting them here.

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jean luc picard, star trek tng, patrick stewart, wallpaper, icons, beverly crusher, gates mcfadden

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Comments 10

tashaabasha August 27 2011, 21:49:59 UTC
I'm pinching ALL OF THEM.

I'm not even going to pretend I'm not.


gypsygem81 August 27 2011, 22:24:23 UTC
hahahaha. Pinch away.


hollywobbles August 28 2011, 06:44:55 UTC
Lovely! I'm saving 5, 19, 20, and 21. Will credit if I use! :D


gypsygem81 August 28 2011, 09:24:59 UTC
Thank you! Glad you liked.


xscylon August 28 2011, 11:42:47 UTC
Awesome work!! So many pretties!!


gypsygem81 August 28 2011, 12:35:27 UTC
Thanks hon! I haven't made icons in the longest time, and I know these aren't amazing, but I have to get back into it.


PC archive lochinblu April 8 2013, 20:06:00 UTC
is anyone still working on putting the PC archive back on the web?


Re: PC archive gypsygem81 April 10 2013, 17:51:50 UTC
No as far as I know, I'm afraid!


wallpapers lochinblu April 15 2013, 00:57:38 UTC
Your wallpapers are so beautifully done!


Re: wallpapers gypsygem81 April 16 2013, 20:12:27 UTC
Thank you! That was years ago now! Unfortunately, I don't really have the time anymore, though I do still love this fandom and this ship.


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