Practicing Medicine!

Jan 23, 2008 20:42

I have to tell you I am spitting mad! The nurse at my doctors office called me to tell me SHE had made a mistake in reading my tests!!!!! I AM VITAMIN D DEFICIENT!!!! I am at an 8 when she claims normal is 20-100...large range that I don't like! Then she called back to tell me normal is 30...I don't have much confidence in this person!

For a Healthy Life & Style pay attention to your guts when they are telling you some thing! Please if you are not feeling yourself, tired, low grade depression symptoms, GO GET THE BLOOD TEST it is simple! I am number FOUR in the women I know that has this issue!

I just HAD a feeling ... so I bought the vitamin on Sunday night! I was planning on taking it and I so glad that I was right! I KNEW I wasn't feeling right! Really, some times we have to be our own advocates! GRRRRRR Practicing medicine!

Vitamin D is important in fighting yourself! And I learned it helps in preventing Osteoporosis! This is not some thing we as women want to be lacking! Vitamin D is a hormone! And one that we need! It also helps balance out hypothyroid issues...which I also have! This is critical for me. I will be contacting and talking to the doctor IN PERSON...when I calm down! It seems women with Hypothyroid tend to have Vitamin D deficiency ... why don't they check this when they do the thyroid blood work???? I am just not understanding the medical profession!

practicing medicine makes me mad!

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