FIC: Gold and Silver

Jan 04, 2010 18:26

Title: Gold and Silver
Author/Artist: gypsyflame
Pairing: Snape/Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,344
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not for profit.
Warnings: Established relationship; light bondage; slightly AU (Snape didn’t die)
Summary: ‘Tis the season for family arguments - and make-up sex.
A/N: Written for the mini_fest prompts of candy canes, candlelight, tinsel, ribbons and bows, gift-wrapping, and kisses at midnight. A thousand thanks to my excellent and lightning-fast beta, the_flic!

“I don’t know why you can’t just spend Christmas Eve here,” Draco said, for about the eighteenth time in the past half-hour.

Harry took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. “Because I always go to the Weasleys’, Draco. They’re my family.”

That had obviously been the wrong thing to say, if Draco’s expression was anything to go by. “I see,” he said in a dangerous tone. “Your family.”

“Draco -”

“Are you just going to sit there and say nothing?” Draco snapped at Severus, who seemed annoyed at being dragged into their argument.

“That was my original intention, yes.”

Draco made a disgusted noise.

Harry tried again. “You make it sound like I’m abandoning you, but I’m not. You’re both perfectly welcome to come to the Burrow with me.”

It was true. It had taken the Weasleys a while to get used to Harry’s unconventional relationship - Ron longest of all - but they’d accepted it, in the end. They would have welcomed Harry’s lovers with open arms, if Draco and Severus had been willing.

“Oh, of course,” Draco said with a sneer. “That’s my idea of a holiday well-spent.”

Losing his temper at last, Harry retorted, “It’s not like either of you have anywhere else to go.”

He regretted the words immediately when Draco rocked back in shock and Severus’ body stiffened.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…that came out wrong.”

“I think it came out exactly the way you meant it,” said Draco.

“No -”

“Fuck you, Harry. Have fun spending Christmas with your family.” Draco turned on his heel and stalked out of the room.

Harry looked at Severus. “You’re not coming with me either, are you?”


“Fine,” Harry said bitterly. “Happy bloody Christmas.”

He Disapparated.


Even though Harry was several hours early, Molly greeted him warmly, drawing him into the kitchen to assist her with the last-minute preparations for the Weasley family’s annual Christmas Eve dinner. He knew that she could tell something was wrong - he’d never been much good at hiding his feelings, and Molly was quite perceptive - but she didn’t ask. Instead, she engaged him in meaningless small-talk as they worked; both required a minimum of effort and concentration on his part, for which he was supremely grateful.

How dare Draco and Severus get up on their high horse about Harry wanting to spend Christmas with the Weasleys, anyway? Harry had risked everything to be with them - his friends, his job, even his life - and they couldn’t put themselves out for one night to spend a few hours in the company of the people Harry considered family?

The question of where to spend Christmas hadn’t been an issue last year, when the three of them had only just begun their tentative relationship. But now they loved each other, lived together, and things were…well, long-term, for lack of a better word. Harry probably should have anticipated this argument, but he hadn’t.

It hadn’t occurred to him that there would be a discussion at all, actually. Lucius Malfoy had more or less disowned Draco upon discovering his relationship with Harry, and despite Narcissa’s best efforts, that rift was far from mended. Severus had no living relatives and few friends. Harry had just assumed that they would both accompany him to the Burrow.
He had, as it turned out, been sorely mistaken.

When the Weasleys started arriving, Harry tried to put aside his dark thoughts and focus on the warmth and contentment that always filled him when he was with them. But try as he might, he couldn’t quite shake the gloominess that clung to him. He was surrounded by his family, by their love and joy and laughter, but he felt incomplete. Something important was missing, and he knew exactly what it was.

After the fourth time he caught himself turning to a Draco and Severus who weren’t there, Harry decided it was time to leave. His mood was unlikely to improve and he didn’t want to spoil everyone else’s good time, so he begged off with a headache and made the rounds of goodbyes before heading home.

He dropped his coat on one of the kitchen chairs after stepping out of the Floo, then headed into the living room. Severus was sitting on the couch, reading one of the seemingly endless potions journals he had to keep up with to stay current with his research. He looked up when Harry entered.

“You’re home early,” he remarked. “It’s only half-past ten.”

“Yeah. Surprisingly enough, I wasn’t having a great time.” Harry flopped onto the couch next to Severus, who gave him a sidelong glance.

“Are you still angry?”

“Yes. Are you?”

“I was never angry,” Severus said, closing his journal and setting it aside. “Merely offended by your presumption.”

“What about Draco?”

“He was angry.”

“I got that, thanks.” Harry sighed. “Is he still?”

Severus was silent for a moment, then said, “No. In fact, I think you’ll find him quite…penitent.”


“It means remorseful.”

“I know what it means!” Harry said, kicking Severus’ leg lightly and trying to ignore the smirk that made him want to forget his anger and pull Severus into a snog right there. “I’m just having trouble applying the concept to Draco.”

“He calmed down considerably after you left,” said Severus. “He regretted speaking to you so harshly, and he was embarrassed by his behaviour.”

“And you’re the one telling me this because…”

“Draco asked for my assistance in organizing a proper apology.”

Harry frowned. “I don’t understand.”

Severus took his hand and pulled him close, kissing his lips softly before drawing them both to their feet. “Come with me.”

Harry followed Severus upstairs to their bedroom, both annoyed and intrigued by his lover’s cryptic behaviour. That was what you got when you slept with Slytherins, he had come to learn.
Severus pushed open the door and stepped aside so that Harry could come in behind him. As soon as Harry’s gaze fell on the bed, he stopped short and stared.

Draco was lying naked in the middle of it, his skin glowing in the soft candlelight. His arms were stretched above his head, his wrists bound to the headboard with gold and silver ribbon - the wide organza kind used to wrap Christmas gifts. The thick ribbons spiraled down his arms to cross over his chest and continue down his legs, where they ended by securing his ankles to the posts at the foot of the bed. Silvery, shimmery tinsel adorned his neck, his stomach, even the base of his cock. The overall effect was that of a stunningly wrapped, particularly naughty present.

Harry drank in the sight, his cock swelling in his trousers. He and Severus often played this game - dressing Draco up in something appealing and “giving” him as a gift to the other. Draco was vain and a bit of an exhibitionist, and he loved being put on display. Even now, he was preening at the looks he was getting from Harry and Severus.

Harry slowly moved closer to the bed, until he was standing right next to it. Severus circled around to the other side, directly across from him.

“How long has he been like this?” Harry breathed, his eyes still riveted to Draco’s body.

“About half an hour. I’d thought to leave him longer, but as I said, you came home earlier than expected.”

Harry’s eyes flicked down to Draco’s rapidly-rising cock, then back up to his face, where his expression was caught halfway between remorse and arousal.

“Harry…” Draco started, but Severus stopped him by placing his fingers on Draco’s mouth.

“Don’t speak, Draco. You’re just a beautiful gift, wrapped up and laid out for Harry to enjoy.”

Draco shuddered and nodded, eyes wide and dark with lust. Harry bit back a groan, meeting Severus’ eyes across the bed. They both loved the way Draco enjoyed being objectified like this; it drove them mad, and Draco knew it.

Severus held his hand out to Harry. “Come here.”

Harry quickly rounded the bed, meeting Severus in an urgent kiss. He pushed his hands into Severus’ hair as Severus grabbed him by the waist, bringing their bodies close together so that their hard cocks rubbed against each other through their clothing. Harry bit Severus’ lip the way he knew his lover liked, dimly registering a soft moan from the direction of the bed.

“Your clothes,” Severus said when he broke the kiss, breathing hard. “Take them off.”

Harry obeyed, stripping off his jumper while Severus helped him work open his belt and trousers. He pushed his trousers, pants, shoes, and socks all off at once in one messy, rather ungraceful movement. Severus picked a clear jar up off the nightstand and handed it to him.

Although Harry could tell from the consistency that the jar contained some kind of lubricant, it wasn’t the one they normally used. He looked up at Severus. “What -”

“Open it.”

As soon as Harry unscrewed the top, he was greeted by the delicious, invigorating scent of peppermint. He breathed it in deeply; he’d always loved the way peppermint smelled. And Severus knew that, which probably meant…“Did you make this yourself?”

“Yes.” Severus pulled Harry against him again, kissing his neck before speaking into his ear. “It’s meant to be ingested.”

The thought made Harry moan, and he didn’t have time to catch his breath before Severus kissed him once more. Harry clung to Severus and gave back as good as he got, but he was still dizzy and breathless by the time Severus released him.

“Sit,” Severus said, pushing Harry gently back against the bed.

Harry sat, still clutching the jar of lube. He glanced at Draco, who was shifting anxiously in his bonds, and felt another surge of lust. He reached out to gently trace the spiraling path of the ribbon on Draco’s left leg. Draco took a sharp breath.

Severus Summoned an armchair from across the room, setting it next to the bed at an angle and settling into it. He leaned back and regarded Harry and Draco with hot eyes as they waited for his instruction.

It was something else they did often - Severus not only watching Harry and Draco together, but directing them. Severus liked to draw his arousal out as long as he could, delaying his orgasm to the last possible moment. That was fine for him, but Harry and Draco were, after all, two decades younger and much more impatient. This way, everybody won.

Severus nodded towards the jar. “Put it on his lips.”

Harry dipped a finger into the lube, which was more liquidy than their usual one - closer to an oil. It was cool against his skin, and after a moment, it set off an extremely pleasant tingling sensation. Harry raised his eyebrows and looked over at Severus, who simply smirked.

Draco gasped when Harry put the oil on his mouth. The slight irritation from the peppermint made his lips pinken, and the candlelight made them gleam irresistibly.

“Kiss him.”

Harry didn’t have to be told twice. He knelt between Draco’s spread-eagled legs and leaned over his body to seize his mouth. The oil tasted incredible - like liquid candy canes - and it made every touch feel more concentrated, more intense, just…more.

Draco returned the kiss enthusiastically, lifting his head off the bed to get a better angle. He whimpered into Harry’s mouth as Harry sucked on his lower lip, trying to get every last hint of peppermint.

“Now his neck.”

Harry sat up just enough to paint a thick line of oil down the side of Draco’s neck, then leaned down again to kiss and suck at the sensitive flesh. He nudged the tinsel aside and flicked his tongue over Draco’s pulse point until Draco was moaning and squirming underneath him.

“Bite him,” said Severus. “Mark him. Remind him who he belongs to.”

They both moaned at that, and then Draco let out a small cry as Harry bit down on his throat, sucking hard until he’d raised a considerable bruise. Harry licked the angry skin soothingly before looking over at Severus, who had opened his trousers and was stroking his cock with agonizing slowness while he watched them.

“Keep going.”

Harry poured some of the oil over Draco’s collarbone, and when he had gotten all of that, he continued down Draco’s sternum. Draco was panting and moaning nonstop now, his skin flushed with both arousal and overstimulation.

“Play with his nipples. You know the way he likes to be touched.”

Harry had been eagerly waiting for that command. The second the oil touched Draco’s nipple, he cried out. His lips formed the beginning of an expletive before he remembered he wasn’t supposed to speak and settled on groaning instead. Harry grinned and lowered his head, sucking Draco’s nipple into his mouth and prompting an even louder cry.

Harry tortured Draco mercilessly. This was supposed to be his apology, anyway, and he wanted Draco breathless and sobbing. He nibbled and licked at one nipple while he used his oil-slicked hand to torment the other one, then switched back and forth until Draco’s nipples were swollen and red and his cries were bordering on wails.

“That’s enough,” Severus said hoarsely.

Harry pulled back with some reluctance. Draco was gasping for breath, his eyes closed and his head tossing back and forth, his trapped body twitching restlessly. Harry wanted to fuck him so badly that it was almost overwhelming. “Severus…”

“Not yet. Keep going.”

Harry worked his way down Draco’s chest to his abdomen, placing bruising kisses on his hipbones as Severus instructed. It was all Harry could do to keep himself from frotting his cock against the bed.

When Harry finally reached Draco’s cock, Severus said, “Taste him. But don’t suck him. He doesn’t deserve that yet.”

Draco made a sort of desperate, indignant noise that turned into a strangled cry when Harry upended the jar over his cock, letting a generous amount of the oil run down the straining flesh to the white-blond curls at the base. He tried to arch his hips off the bed but was frustrated by the ribbons forcing him flat.

Harry cleaned the peppermint oil from Draco’s cock, kissing and licking it but being careful not to take it into his mouth. He was running his tongue around the head when he heard Severus mutter a spell. The ribbons binding Draco’s ankles to the bed lengthened, giving Draco the freedom to bend his knees so that his feet were flat against the mattress.

“Lower,” Severus said to Harry.

Draco screamed once when his balls were covered in the oil, then trailed off into quiet, ragged moans as Harry lapped it up. His toes were tightly curled, and his heels pressed against the bed as his hips moved so agitatedly that Harry had to hold him still.

“Lower,” Severus repeated.

He lengthened the ribbons once more so that Harry could push Draco’s knees up to his chest and pour a bit of the oil directly onto his hole. Draco screamed again, his body twisting mindlessly as the peppermint did its work.

Harry bent over and licked a single stripe over Draco’s hole before he had to stop for a moment. The natural taste of Draco mixed with peppermint was one of the most amazing things he had ever tasted, and he was afraid he was going to come just from that if he didn’t get some control over himself. “Oh, God,” he mumbled.


“Fuck, yeah.”

“Show me.”

Harry traced the rim of Draco’s hole with his tongue before closing his lips over the peppermint-flavoured flesh and sucking gently. Draco made a sobbing noise; the muscles in his thighs were so tense under Harry’s hands that it had to be painful.

Severus hummed his approval. “More.”

Harry pushed his tongue inside Draco, nice and slow. He could no longer keep his hips from moving against the bed, rubbing his aching cock against the velvety coverlet, and he didn’t even bother trying. It was too good - the taste of Draco, the sound of his desperate gasps, the knowledge that Severus was touching himself as he watched them. Harry moaned and thrust his tongue deeper, faster.

Barely a minute had passed before Draco started to whimper in a way that let Harry know the teasing was soon going to cross the line into real torture. Severus recognized it as well.

“Take him. Now.

Harry and Draco let out twin sounds of relief. Harry lowered Draco’s legs to the bed and reached for the oil again, slicking it over his own cock this time. He gasped aloud at the incredible sensation it produced, the intensity of it distracting him for a moment.

“Now, Harry.”

Breathing hard, Harry pushed Draco’s knees up to his chest once more. Draco was completely beside himself, his flushed cheeks and dilated pupils those of a man who had long ago abandoned all pretense of rational thought. Harry was suddenly sure that if he asked, Draco wouldn’t even remember his own name.

The thought sharpened Harry’s own desire, and he drove into Draco without any further teasing. Draco shrieked, neck straining as he threw his head back, and Harry couldn’t help but bite the offered flesh. He set Draco’s legs over his shoulders and lowered his body so that their chests were touching, slippery with sweat and oil. He thrust rapidly and erratically, slamming his cock into Draco’s tight arse with absolutely no technique or finesse, but they were both already so close to the edge that it didn’t matter.

“Make him come.” Severus’ voice was rough with lust, just the sound of it almost enough to make Harry lose what little control he had left.

He managed to work a hand between his and Draco’s bodies. It only took a couple of clumsy strokes, and then Draco’s entire body seized up, muscles shaking violently as his cock pulsed between them and he screamed more loudly than Harry had ever heard before.

Harry managed a few more thrusts and then bit Draco’s shoulder hard to stifle the yell as he came, buried deep inside his lover. For a blissful moment, there was nothing in his universe but the heat of Draco’s body and the blinding pleasure suffusing his entire being.

He collapsed on top of Draco, feeling like there were lead weights attached to his limbs.

“Harry…” Draco’s voice was hoarse and broken, probably from all the screaming he’d done.
Harry lifted his face to look Draco in the eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Draco said.

Harry kissed him. “I love you.”

Draco smiled, his eyes saying the words that he rarely said aloud.

A soft groan drew their attention to the chair beside the bed, where Severus was still watching them, black eyes glittering. His hand was working quickly over his cock, which was still hard and dripping and - in Harry’s opinion - wholly mouth-watering.

Harry carefully disengaged from Draco and slid off the bed to stand in front of Severus. “Stop that,” he said.

Severus raised an eyebrow, but he released his cock without a word, putting both his hands on the armrests of his chair. If it weren’t for the white-knuckled grip he had on the wood and the hectic flush in his cheeks, there’d be no sign that he was finding it difficult to keep his hands off himself. The man had a will of iron.

That was why Harry loved to go down on him. When Severus was responsible for someone else’s pleasure - when he was fucking Harry or Draco, or on the rare occasions he allowed Harry to fuck him - he never let himself go completely, not ever. The only way to make him entirely lose his self-control was to suck his brains out through his cock. It was a beautiful thing to see, so Harry tried to do it as often as possible.

He hadn’t heard any complaints yet.

Harry knelt between Severus’ spread knees, keeping his eyes locked with Severus’ even as he leaned forward and licked a slow stripe up his thick cock. Severus exhaled heavily and let himself relax against the back of the chair.

Closing his eyes, Harry ran his hands over Severus’ thighs through the wool of his trousers and took his cock into his mouth, sucking the head a bit before working his way down. Severus grunted in pleasure, one of his hands settling lightly on Harry’s hair.

“Severus,” Draco’s voice came from the bed. “Let me go.”

Severus muttered a Finite and Harry heard Draco moving around, but he didn’t let it divert him from his goal of driving Severus mad. He pulled off a bit to flick his tongue against the head, using his hand to slowly work the shaft.

“Harry…” Severus said, in what was probably supposed to be a threatening tone but came off more as a pleading one. That was always nice to hear.

Harry glanced up to see that Draco had come to stand behind Severus’ chair, looking a little shaky on his feet but still interested in the proceedings. He bent down to kiss Severus’ neck, his hands moving to unbutton Severus’ shirt and slip inside.

Severus’ head fell back and his eyes closed even as his hand pushed more insistently against Harry’s head. Harry took the hint and stopped teasing, sliding his mouth as far down Severus’ cock as he could go and sucking hard.

“Yes,” Severus hissed. “You…ah, Draco…”

“Like that?” Draco asked.

“Mmm. Don’t stop.” Severus’ fingers tightened in Harry’s hair. “Nor you.”

Harry chuckled a little, which made Severus gasp and arch his hips up. Harry heard wet noises and a low moan and wished he could see what Draco was doing, but Severus was rather well-endowed, and deep-throating him was not an endeavour to be taken lightly.

Severus made a sudden sharp noise and writhed in the chair; Harry had to grip his thighs more tightly and pin them down to keep himself from choking.

“He’s close, Harry,” Draco said urgently. “He needs more.”

Harry was more than happy to give it to him. He bobbed his head up and down Severus’ cock as quickly as he dared, working his tongue against the underside and sliding his hands up Severus’ legs to run his thumbs over sharp hipbones. Severus let out a muffled cry.

“Come for us, Severus,” Draco murmured. “Look at Harry - he wants you to come down his throat - ”

Even Harry moaned at that. Draco usually wasn’t much of a dirty talker - that was more Severus’ department - but when he did, it was always mind-blowingly hot. There was just something about hearing such filthy things come out of that pretty pureblood mouth that set Harry off. His cock was already starting to rise again.

“Let us see it. Let us see you lose it, Severus, come on - ”

With a hoarse shout, Severus did exactly that, snapping his hips forward and yanking painfully on Harry’s hair as he came. Harry swallowed as best he could, backing off a little so he could breathe.

When Severus slumped backwards, muscles relaxing, Harry gave his cock a final gentle suck and pulled off, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked up, immensely gratified at the boneless way Severus was sprawled in the chair, his breathing harsh and ragged. Draco met Harry’s eyes with a small smirk, stroking Severus’ chest soothingly. From the angry red of Severus’ nipples and the violently purple bite marks decorating his neck and shoulders, Harry had a pretty good idea as to what part Draco had played.

He stood up just enough to slide onto Severus’ lap - carefully, because he wasn’t much smaller than Severus. He leaned his head against Severus’ shoulder. “I love you,” he said.

Severus didn’t open his eyes, but he moved his hand to cover Harry’s, squeezing gently.

It had bothered Harry at first that Severus and Draco were so uncomfortable speaking their feelings aloud, especially when he himself was given to blurting it out at every opportunity. But he had quickly learned that there were things more meaningful than words. With Draco, it was always in the eyes - a certain look that expressed love in a way mere words never could. With Severus, it was a particular touch, uncharacteristically tender and full of unspoken emotion. Both meant more to Harry than a million I love yous.

Draco sighed against Severus’ hair, and Severus let go of Harry’s hand to bring Draco’s hand to his lips and kiss it. From the hall came the quiet sound of the clock chiming midnight.

Draco kissed the top of Severus’ head and straightened up. “I can’t stand any longer,” he said as he stumbled over to the bed and half-sat, half-fell onto it.

Harry grinned. “I’m surprised you lasted as long as you did.”

“I was well-motivated.”

Draco pushed the discarded ribbons off the bed and slid under the covers while Harry helped Severus undress. Severus’ movements were flatteringly uncoordinated.

Finally, Harry was ensconced in his warm bed with his lovers on either side of him. Usually Draco was in the middle, in his oddly endearing self-centred way, but Harry wasn’t about to object. He leaned back against Severus’ chest and pulled Draco close against his own.

Draco nudged his slim thigh against Harry’s cock. “You’re hard again,” he said in surprise.

“Yeah. You and your dirty mouth.”

Severus huffed in amusement against Harry’s neck.

“I’ll take care of it later,” Draco said sleepily as he burrowed his head into Harry’s chest.

Harry stroked his hand down Draco’s back, coming to rest at the swell of his arse. “Okay.”

After a moment, Severus reached across Harry’s body, laying his arm atop Harry’s and lacing their fingers together against Draco’s skin. It was warm and safe and perfect, and Harry had never felt more content.

They lay like that for a long time, drifting in and out of sleep, until Harry had a sudden thought.

“What are we doing for New Year’s?”

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