New Fic!

Nov 19, 2011 21:27

The fic I wrote for the Threesome Big Bang has been posted! This story was a true labor of love for me, and may be my favorite fic of those I've written - though near the end of it I was ready to kill someone, LOL.

The community has sole posting rights during the fest, but I've reposted the header below with a link to the community. Don't miss the gorgeous banner the mods made for the story! It gave me chills when I saw it.

Title: All Our Times Have Come
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Snape/Harry, Draco/Michael Corner, Snape/Draco/Harry
Warnings: Explicit, graphic depictions of domestic violence, including mental and physical abuse and partner rape, non-sexual violence and gore, and a brief mention of mpreg (there is no actual mpreg in the story)
Summary: The return of a murderous vigilante group changes three men’s lives forever.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Notes: Title comes from Blue Oyster Cult’s “Don’t Fear the Reaper”. A million thanks to uniquepov and literaryspell for their fantastic beta work - I can’t express the depth of my appreciation!

All Our Times Have Come

EDIT: Apparently the fest entries are friends-locked! *shakes fist* You can join the community if you'd like, though membership is moderated, so you have to wait to be approved. I totally understand if people don't want to do that. The fic will be posted (unlocked!) to this journal as soon as the fest is over.
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