FIC: Fantasy

Apr 02, 2011 21:14

Title: Fantasy
Author: gypsyflame
Pairing: Snape/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2600
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of J.K. Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not for profit.
Warnings: Consensually-roleplayed rape; a bit of cross-dressing in the beginning
Summary: Draco is hesitant to tell Severus his secret fantasy.
Author's Notes: Wow, I’ve been lax in updating my journal!. This was written months ago for hp_kinkfest. Thanks to the fabulous the_flic for the beta!

Draco grunted as Severus collapsed on top of him, breathing like a galloping horse. It had been months since he’d seen Severus come that hard. Hell, it had been months since he’d come that hard himself.

He ran his fingers through Severus’ tangled, sweat-dampened hair, allowing his husband a few moments of rest before he said, “I have to take this off. I can’t breathe.”

Severus mumbled something incomprehensible, shifting his hips so that his cock slipped out of Draco’s arse before rolling off to the side. Come dripped from Draco’s hole and trickled down one silk-stockinged thigh.

“Do you require assistance?” Severus asked.

Draco nodded as he sat up, biting his lip at the twinge in his arse. It was the best kind of soreness - the sort that would have him eager to be fucked again sooner rather than later.

Severus sat up as well, lips pressing against Draco’s bare shoulder as he loosened the ties of the green silk corset. It felt like iron bands were being removed from Draco’s ribcage. He took a deep, relieved breath - the first truly deep breath he’d been able to take in over two hours. Corsets were not for the weak of lung.

Draco had never worn lingerie before tonight, had never even considered it. It wasn’t really his kink. But Merlin, the way Severus had responded to it… Draco certainly wouldn’t mind doing it again. His eyes fell on the expensive knickers that Severus had literally ripped off of him, now lying ruined on the floor, and a self-satisfied smile spread over his face.

Severus tossed the corset over the side of the bed before lying back down. Draco would really have to have a word with him about that. Good lingerie was damn expensive.

That could wait, though. Draco lay beside him, head resting on Severus’ shoulder and hand stroking lazy patterns on Severus’ chest. “Aren’t you glad you told me?” he said.

Severus made a huffing noise that was half-exasperated, half-amused. “Yes.”

Getting Severus to admit his secret fantasy had been like pulling teeth, requiring an indecent amount of whiskey and considerable emotional manipulation on Draco’s part. It had been worth it, though. Their sex life had become routine, stale, and Draco had feared for the effect on their marriage. Those worries were erased now - Severus had been like an animal tonight, out of his mind with lust, like he could bury himself in Draco and still never get enough. Draco craved that.

“Are you planning to return the favour?”

Draco stilled. “You know all my fantasies.”

“Do I.” Severus’ voice was flat, disbelieving. “You have no desires of which I am unaware?”

“I…” Draco hesitated. He didn’t want to tell Severus the truth, but Severus had made himself vulnerable in revealing his secret to Draco. If Draco refused to do the same in return, Severus would pull back, shut himself off in an attempt to save face. That would undo all the hard work Draco had done. “I don’t want to tell you.”

“Why not? Are you embarrassed?”

“No. Well, yes, a little, but that’s not why. I - I’m afraid it will make you… think less of me.”

Severus tipped Draco’s chin up so they were eye-to-eye. His face was serious. “What could possibly make me think less of you?”

Draco bit his lip. After a few seconds, Severus sighed.

“Tell me. If I react badly, I’ll allow you to Obliviate me.”

Draco’s eyes widened. For Severus to make that kind of offer… He must have enjoyed the sex even more than Draco had thought.

“Do you promise?”


“All right. Sometimes I think about…” Draco swallowed. Gods, this was difficult, even with a safety net. “About what it would be like if you raped me.”

He tensed, waiting for Severus’ reaction, but Severus just stared back at him with an expression of faint surprise.

“Of course I don’t believe you’d ever really do that, and I wouldn’t want you to,” Draco hurried on. “But I still think about it, I don’t know why -”

Severus put a finger on Draco’s lips to end his babbling. “Tell me what you think about,” he said.

He didn’t look disgusted or angry, so Draco felt it was safe to say, “It always starts with us arguing about something.”

That was no surprise to either of them. Half their arguments ended in sex.

“You want to fuck me, but I’m too angry with you and I say no. So you… force me. I always struggle, but I never get away, and I always end up enjoying it even though I don’t want to.”

Severus nodded slowly, looking contemplative. Draco took a shaky breath.

“Do you think there’s something wrong with me?”

“Certainly not,” Severus said, frowning. “Rape fantasies are very common, Draco. They’re no cause for shame.”

“But you don’t like the idea.”

“I can see the appeal. However, with my history…”

Severus trailed off, and Draco understood why. He didn’t know the lurid details of everything Severus had done for the Dark Lord when he was younger, but he knew Severus had raped people at the Dark Lord’s behest. It was one of the things that ate at Severus the most, that caused him the most anguish. That was one of the reasons Draco hadn’t wanted to say anything.

“We don’t have to talk about it,” he said now. “I just didn’t want you to think that I was making you tell me all your secrets without telling you any of mine.”

“I appreciate that.” Severus trailed his hand down Draco’s side to squeeze his arse. “You did look stunning.”

“Did?” Draco said indignantly.

Severus chuckled. “Do. You’re always stunning. But you know how I particularly enjoy it when you surrender to your inner slut.”

Draco’s cock stirred; he loved it when Severus called him that. “Did I look like a slut?”

“Like a pretty little whore, all wrapped up in silk and lace for me to use however I wished -”

Draco moaned and pulled Severus into a deep, consuming kiss.


Severus didn’t bring the topic up again, and Draco was more than willing to pretend the conversation had never happened. Weeks passed; soon enough, the annual Battle of Hogwarts Memorial Benefit rolled around - the one night a year Draco could get Severus to go out without resorting to bribery. It was no wonder, considering the amount of hero-worship the attendees lavished on him. Severus professed to hate it, but Draco knew better.

Minerva McGonagall outdid herself that year; the benefit was a smashing success. It would have been a perfect evening but for the fact that Severus’ mood soured considerably as the night wore on. He grew snappish and sullen, and by the time they were gathering their cloaks to leave, he wouldn’t speak to Draco at all. The most irritating part was that Draco had no idea what he’d done.

They walked to Hogsmeade and Apparated separately to their bedroom at home. Severus jerked off his cloak, tossing it on a nearby chair. Draco’s annoyance increased. Severus knew full well how much it bothered him when he treated his clothing so carelessly.

“Out with it.”

Severus scowled at Draco as he unfastened his cufflinks. “What?”

“You’ve been a pill all night, Severus. What is it?”

Draco turned to hang his own cloak up neatly, wincing at the sound of expensive platinum cufflinks being dropped on Severus’ nightstand. He whirled back around and glared. Severus stared at him levelly, unbuttoning his waistcoat.

“I’m surprised you were able to tear yourself away from Potter long enough to notice.”


“You might as well have bent over the table for him. It would have been less obvious.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Severus stripped off his waistcoat very slowly and dropped it on the floor, holding Draco’s eyes the whole time.

Draco saw red. “You -”

“He wants you.”

“Potter flirts with everyone. It doesn’t mean anything.”

Potter and his wife were notorious for bringing lovers into their bed on a regular basis. From what Draco had heard, it was a thrilling experience, but it wasn’t one he’d ever seriously considered for himself.

Severus advanced on him. “It is different with you. I can see it in his eyes.”

“You know I would never do that to you. Hell, Potter would never do that to you.”

“I am not so certain.” Severus put his hands on Draco’s hips, backing him up against the waist-high bureau behind him. “Perhaps I should remind you of to whom you belong.”

Draco blinked, appalled. Severus couldn’t possibly think Draco would want to have sex with him now, after he’d insinuated that Draco had plans to be unfaithful. And why the hell was he staring at Draco like that, so intently…

Oh. Oh.

Draco’s irritation and disgust were instantly borne away on a tide of lust. Severus was offering him his fantasy; it was clear from the look in his eyes. For a moment, Draco worried about whether Severus was really comfortable with it - but only for a moment.

He let the briefest of smiles twist his lips before he frowned and shoved Severus away. “I don’t belong to anyone, you beast, and I’ll thank you to keep your hands to yourself.”

Severus grabbed Draco and spun him around, bending him over the bureau with a speed that took Draco’s breath away. He barely got his arms up in time to catch himself on the polished wooden surface. Severus leaned over his body, holding him in place.

“I’ll put my hands wherever I damn well please,” he said.

Draco bit down on his tongue to keep from moaning, twisting his body in an attempt to escape. A localized Immobulus secured his arms to the top of the bureau. Severus kicked his legs apart and stood between them.

“You wouldn’t dare,” said Draco.

“No?” Severus squeezed one of Draco’s arsecheeks hard enough to make him yelp.

“Don’t! Severus, no. I don’t want to.”

“You have no right to deny me.” Severus kneaded Draco’s arse as he spoke. “This is mine. I’ll use it as I wish.”

“You fucking bastard! Let me go, Severus, or I swear -”

Severus Vanished all of Draco’s clothes at once. Draco squawked in honest indignation and tried to kick backwards at Severus’ legs. Severus sidestepped him easily before casting an Incarcerous that bound Draco’s ankles to the legs of the dresser, leaving him spread wide and vulnerable.

Draco dropped his head and took a deep breath. Severus was often rough with him - to their mutual satisfaction - but Draco was always a willing participant. He’d never struggled before, never resisted. Even though it was pretend, the fight was thrilling.

Severus summoned the lube. Draco wrenched fruitlessly against his bonds.

“Please, Severus, please don’t do this.”

He groaned when Severus’ hand closed around his achingly hard cock.

“Your body seems to remember who it belongs to, even if you do not.”

“You can’t do this to me!”

Severus released Draco’s cock and shoved two fingers into his arse. “I can,” he said, “and I will.”

Draco gasped for breath as Severus fingered him roughly, carelessly, doing only the absolute minimum to facilitate penetration. He jerked his hips, trying to evade the intrusive fingers, and Severus smacked his arse hard.

“Be a good boy and hold still.”

“Fuck you!”

Severus snorted and withdrew his fingers. There was the sound of a zip being lowered, and then Severus rammed his cock into Draco with one brutal thrust. Draco shrieked, back bowing as he struggled to accept the thick length. He hadn’t been nearly well-prepared enough to be taken all at once like that.

Severus didn’t give him time to adjust, gripping his hips and fucking him savagely. Draco dug his nails into the top of the dresser and moaned. Gods, it hurt, but at the same time it felt indescribably good to be overpowered in such a way, to feel forced and used. His cock throbbed.

“Tell me who owns you,” Severus demanded.

“N-never,” Draco managed. “Get off me.”

Severus took Draco’s cock in hand. “You keep protesting, but this tells a different story. Either you aren’t as unwilling as you claim, or you’re such a slut that you even enjoy being raped.”

Merlin. Draco’s cock jumped in Severus’ hand, the pain in his arse fading as the pleasure of the rough fucking started to overwhelm him. “Go to hell,” he spat, even as he pushed forward into Severus’ touch.

Severus gripped him tighter, stroking in time with his thrusts. “Tell me.”


Severus used his free hand to grab Draco’s hair and pull his head back, putting his lips by Draco’s ear. “Say it.”

The words coincided with a powerful and particularly well-aimed thrust, and Draco let out a broken wail.

“You!” he said, gasping. “I belong to you, Severus, take me -”

Severus bit down on Draco’s neck and squeezed his cock almost painfully, hips never stilling their aggressive pace. Draco’s entire body seized up, tension coiling in every muscle before releasing all at once. His scream was ragged and wordless. Thick jets of come painted the bureau, Severus’ hand on his cock wringing every drop from him.

“Beautiful.” Severus released Draco’s head and cock only to grab his hips once more, shoving into Draco’s arse deep and frantic. “My beautiful boy, mine…”

Draco moaned when he felt Severus’ cock pulsing hot inside him, but the sound was drowned by Severus’ shout. Severus kept fucking Draco even as he came, cock slipping through his own come until it was too soft to stay inside and slid from Draco’s hole with a wet, messy pop.

Draco’s knees buckled. Severus caught him around the waist and dismissed the spells binding him to the bureau, but instead of carrying him to the bed as Draco expected, Severus simply sat down hard on the floor, pulling Draco with him and into his lap. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes.

Too dazed and fucked-out to protest, Draco rested his head against Severus’ chest and focused on calming his frenetic breathing. The pounding of Severus’ heart matched his own.

“Why?” Draco asked.

Severus didn’t open his eyes. “You wanted it.”

Draco ran his hand over Severus’ chest, feeling the fine fabric of Severus’ shirt sliding over his palm. “I didn’t want it if it was going to upset you,” he said, ignoring the small pinprick of guilt over what was at best a half-truth and at worst an outright lie.

“I wanted it as well.” Severus’ eyes opened, and when he spoke again, his voice was much quieter. “I have fantasized about raping you.”

Those words shouldn’t have made Draco’s breath catch in his throat. “But you said -”

“I said I could see the appeal. And I did. Too much. I feared that if I yielded to those impulses even once, even in play, that it would lead to… That I would lose myself again.”

“What made you change your mind?”

“I couldn’t bear the thought that there was something you wanted which I could not give you. And then Potter -”

“Don’t start that again,” Draco interrupted. “You know he and I would never -”

“I know.” Severus brushed his lips over Draco’s forehead. “But he would give this to you if you asked. Any man would - men who didn’t love you, who wouldn’t care if they hurt you. I realised… I would never harm you, Draco. Never. Even in the darkest corners of my soul, my need to protect you is absolute. I will never be in danger of losing myself with you.”

“Severus,” Draco whispered. They kissed, soft and slow, Draco winding his arms around Severus’ neck as Severus’ hands smoothed through his hair and down his back.

When the kiss broke, Draco put his head back on Severus’ shoulder and pressed up close against him.

“The next time we do this,” he said, “I want to wear my Hogwarts uniform.”

snape/draco, fic

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