FIC: In Control

Jan 20, 2011 12:28

Title: In Control
Author:: gypsyflame
Pairing: Snape/Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,428
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of J.K. Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not for profit.
Warnings: D/s; spanking; bondage; established threesome relationship
Summary: Draco doesn’t like to be in control.
Author's Notes: Written for elfflame’s prompt at the 2010 daily_deviant Kinky Kristmas exchange. Thanks to the mods for coordinating the fun exchange, and to my lovely beta the_flic!

This fic is set in the same universe as A Little Self-Control, but it isn’t a sequel, and both fics can be read independently.

Draco perched on the edge of his seat, spine ramrod-straight and knee jiggling nervously. Every few minutes Severus put his hand on Draco’s leg to stop him, but as soon as he let go, Draco would start up again.

When he’d agreed to dinner with the Weasleys, he hadn’t known it would be this difficult. The strain of keeping himself under tight control, of suppressing his natural reactions and attempting to stay on his best behaviour, grew more unbearable with every passing minute. His jaw ached from all the times he had clenched it to prevent a sneer; his tongue was sore from being bitten to silence snide remarks.

The Weasleys were just so fucking irritating.

Draco was only here for Harry. The look on his face when Draco had said he’d go to Christmas dinner at the Burrow… well, suffice it to say that Draco would have done worse things to see that smile. He suspected that Severus had agreed for the same reason.

Of course, Severus didn’t seem to be having any problems. He was better at keeping himself in check - when he wanted to - and he’d spent most of the night conversing with Granger, who, while definitely irritating, was at least not an idiot.

Almost unconsciously, Draco lifted his hand to touch the slim platinum collar that encircled his neck. To everyone but himself and his lovers, it appeared to be a simple chain necklace. The weight of it was usually enough to reassure him when he was anxious, but now, even tracing his finger over the entwined initials engraved over his throat wasn’t enough to calm him.

Draco forced a smile at another one of Arthur Weasley’s inane jokes. He would not lose control. He couldn’t hurt Harry like that.

Severus reached behind Draco to touch Harry’s shoulder. Tearing his attention from his conversation with Ronald and the Weaselette, Harry looked at Severus, then at Draco. He looked at Severus again and nodded, clearing his throat.

“We should really get going,” he said, addressing the table at large. “Draco and I have to get up early tomorrow.”

The announcement was met with a chorus of good-natured protestations. Draco let out a relieved breath. Severus’ hand settled on the back of his neck and squeezed lightly.

Now that the end to the torture was in sight, Draco was able to make it through one last round of handshakes and goodbyes without his false smile cracking at the edges. Once the three of them were outside, though, it fell off his face like a stone off a cliff and he started trembling.

Severus took Draco’s elbow. “I’ll take him,” he said to Harry.


Harry Disapparated. Severus followed a split-second later, taking Draco side-along. They didn’t appear in their bedroom at home, as Draco had expected, but in their playroom. Draco’s shoulders relaxed infinitesimally. He should have trusted Severus and Harry to know what he needed.

Severus kissed Draco briefly and then reached a hand out to Harry, who was standing an arm’s length away. He drew Harry close to them and kissed him as well before releasing them both and stepping back.

“Undress him.”

Harry pulled Draco into a tight embrace first, pressing a kiss against his cheek. “Thank you,” he said.

“For what?”

“For tonight.” Harry unclasped Draco’s robes and pushed them off his shoulders, letting them fall to the floor before starting on his shirt buttons. “I know it was hard for you, but you were amazing.”

Draco held still as his shirt joined his robes on the floor; Severus hadn’t said he could help. “I thought I was going to punch Ronald in the face.”

“I thought he was going to punch you. He was so frustrated that you wouldn’t respond to any of his insults.”

Harry knelt at Draco’s feet to remove his shoes and socks. Draco rested his hand on Harry’s head, running his fingers through his soft, messy hair. He looked up to meet Severus’ eyes.

Severus had settled on the nearby sofa, his presence as commanding as ever even without the armor of his robes. He watched them without comment, his expression soft in a way that nobody else would ever see.

Harry reached up to unfasten Draco’s trousers, not bothering to stand. “I’m really proud of you, Draco.”

Draco appreciated the words, but he needed more. He was so tense that his muscles were as hard as rock, his stomach clenched into a little ball, his nerves vibrating with anxiety. There was only one way he knew of to get rid of this feeling.

Harry peeled Draco’s trousers and pants down his legs, waiting for Draco to step out of them before he ran his hands over Draco’s thighs, kissing the bared skin. He nudged the base of Draco’s half-hard cock with his nose and laid a soft kiss there as well.

“That’s enough, Harry.”

Harry got to his feet and cast a sheepish glance in Severus’ direction. He wasn’t really submissive to Severus - Harry Potter wasn’t submissive to anyone - but he tended to follow Severus’ lead where Draco was concerned. Severus needed to dominate just as much as Draco needed to submit; it was Harry who balanced them, who kept them from going off the rails when things got intense.

Severus stood as well. “Get on your knees and come here, Draco,” he said as Harry joined him by the couch.

Draco lowered himself to his hands and knees and crawled towards them, keeping his head up so that he could watch them kissing. There were few things in life as powerfully arousing as the sight of Harry Potter and Severus Snape with their hands all over each other.

Severus had his hands down Harry's trousers, and when Draco was kneeling by their feet, he pulled Harry's cock out. “Hands behind your back and keep them there,” he instructed Draco.

Draco clasped his hands at the small of his back, mouth watering as he watched Severus give Harry a few leisurely strokes. Then Severus took hold of Draco's head with his free hand and guided his mouth to Harry's cock.

Draco swallowed it down with ease, eyes falling shut as he savoured the familiar taste and feel of Harry on his tongue. Severus let go and Harry took himself in hand, holding his cock steady so that Draco could focus all of his attention on worshiping the thick shaft as it deserved.

Before he could really settle into a good rhythm, though, Severus' hand was back on Draco's head, tugging him off of Harry's cock and redirecting him to his own. Draco let out a small moan and let Severus use his mouth as he wanted.

They passed him back and forth, never letting him suck either cock for more than thirty seconds at a time. Draco soon became overwhelmed at having to constantly readjust - Severus' cock was longer and Harry's was thicker - and the lack of oxygen made him dizzy. A particularly enthusiastic thrust from Harry made Draco sway on his knees, and he instinctively threw his arms out for balance, one hand landing on Harry's leg and the other on Severus'.

Draco snatched his hands back and returned them to their previous position, but it was too late.

“Draco,” Severus said, voice rich with disappointment.

Pulling his mouth off of Harry's cock, Draco said, “I'm sorry. It was an accident.”

“I know. Get up.”

Draco stood, careful to keep his hands behind his back. Harry was smiling at him, seemingly unperturbed by his unintentional disobedience.

“I love the way your mouth looks when you've been sucking cock.”

Severus snorted in amusement, moving behind Draco and tapping his wand against Draco's wrist. “Incarcerous.”

The conjured ropes were familiar against Draco's skin, thin and flexible but not at all abrasive. He found them as reassuring as his collar - they would hold his hands in place so that he couldn't disobey again, not even by accident.

Severus kissed his shoulder. “What are you in control of, Draco?” he asked against Draco's ear.

Draco took a deep breath before responding. “Nothing.”

“That's right. Who is in control here?”

“You and Harry.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I belong to you.” Draco could feel the knots in his muscles loosening with the truth of every word he spoke. He didn't have to make any decisions in this room, didn't have to censor his responses, didn't have to worry about restraint. He could let go completely, because Severus and Harry were there to catch him.

“I think you need to be reminded of that, don't you?”

“Yes, Sir. Please.”

“Are you going to punish him?” Harry asked. He stepped forward and ran a finger up the underside of Draco's now achingly hard cock. “He didn't mean to disobey.”

“A full punishment would be unreasonable.” Severus’ hand snaked around Draco’s chest to pinch his nipple. “However, I think a small reprimand would not go amiss.”

Harry hummed in agreement and leaned in to kiss Severus over Draco’s shoulder. Draco relaxed against Severus’ chest, letting them hold him up, taking comfort in the warmth of their bodies and their love for each other. Harry moved his mouth from Severus’ to Draco’s without missing a beat. Trying to return the kiss with his hands bound behind him and Severus nipping at the nape of his neck sparked a flare of hot, liquid excitement in his belly.

Harry snuck a hand between them to squeeze Draco’s cock and then pulled away, watching with flushed cheeks as Severus led Draco to the sofa and bent him over the arm. Draco felt deliciously helpless without the use of his arms; he couldn’t help but spread his legs wider, putting himself off balance, wanting to be as completely at Severus’ mercy as possible.

He moaned aloud when Severus struck him, then bit his lip at how wanton he sounded. Severus set an unhurried pace, blows landing on Draco’s arse with jarring force but spaced widely enough that he could prepare himself for each one.

Harry moved into Draco’s line of vision. He had his cock in his hand and was pumping it slowly. “You know, you blush every time we spank you. I’d think you’d be used to it by now.”

His words only made Draco blush harder. He couldn’t explain why things Harry and Severus had done to him a million times still embarrassed him just as much as the first time, nor could he explain why that embarrassment thrilled him the way it did. All he knew was that nothing turned him on as much as being stripped naked and vulnerable, treated like the needy cockslut he was.

Draco cried out when Severus landed an especially hard smack on the juncture of his right thigh and arsecheek. He squirmed, rubbing his cock against the fine leather of the couch.

“Don’t you wish Severus had done this to you at school?”

“Yes,” Draco panted, lifting his arse up for another slap. He’d fantasized about it all the time back then.

“Maybe you would have behaved better.” Harry ran his thumb through the precome that had welled at the tip of his cock and held it to Draco’s lips. “Or maybe you would have acted out more. I know how much you like a good spanking.”

Draco moaned and sucked Harry’s thumb into his mouth, wishing it was his cock. It wasn’t the best idea to give head while being spanked, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t dream.

“Harry,” Severus said, breathing heavily, “perhaps you might do something useful and remove your clothing.”

Harry laughed and stepped back, ridding himself of his clothes with impressive speed. Severus rubbed Draco’s arse with both hands, kneading the sore, hot flesh until Draco whimpered. Harry moved to Severus’ side, and Draco could hear the wet sounds of kissing and the rustle of clothing.

“Do you want him first?” Harry said.

“No. I’ll fuck him after I’ve watched you put him in his place.”

They kissed once more, and then Harry was helping Draco straighten up, one hand wandering down to squeeze his arse. “On the bed, gorgeous.”

The bed in the playroom was even bigger than the one in their bedroom, kitted out with satin sheets and all manner of restraints. Just climbing onto it heightened Draco’s arousal as he was flooded with memories of the things they had used it for.

Draco stayed upright on his knees as Harry and Severus joined him, Severus in front and Harry behind. Harry eased Draco backwards to sit on his thighs, knees on either side of Harry’s and bound hands pressing against Harry’s abdomen. Draco dropped his head back on Harry’s shoulder.

Severus bent his head to press a kiss against Draco’s collar. “You would do anything, wouldn’t you? Anything we asked.”

“Yes,” Draco breathed. Harry’s cock was hot and hard against his arse. Draco twisted his hips, wanting it inside him.

Severus summoned the lube and slicked the fingers of his right hand. Harry reached down and lifted Draco’s cock and balls out of the way, caressing them just enough to tease but not nearly enough to satisfy. Draco forced his knees even further apart, groaning when two of Severus’ agile fingers entered him.

The preparation was quick and efficient, something that would normally have annoyed Draco, but right now he was too eager to be fucked to want anything else. He ground down on Severus’ hand. “Please, I need more,” he gasped.

Severus withdrew his fingers, and Harry urged Draco back up on his knees. “I want you to ride me,” he said.

There was no question of agreement or denial; Draco didn’t make decisions in this room, not even about something as simple as sexual positions. But he did have one concern. “What if I can’t keep my balance?”

As Harry stretched out on his back, he said, “We’d never let you fall.”

Draco shuffled on his knees to straddle Harry, ignoring the dull ache that had started in his shoulders. Severus settled behind him, chest pressed against Draco’s back, and held Harry’s cock while Draco sank down on it. Harry ran his hands up Draco’s thighs.

“Go on. You know how I want it.”

Draco did. It was Harry’s favourite position - Draco on top of him, working himself on Harry’s cock. The more wantonly and unselfconsciously Draco rode him, the more Harry enjoyed it.

Just as Draco was wondering how he was supposed to do that without the use of his hands, Severus gripped his hips and urged him upwards, guiding him into a steady rhythm. Draco let go of his worries and gave into the pleasure of sliding up and down Harry’s cock, Severus’s hands holding him securely even when the brush of Harry’s cock against his prostate made Draco jerk and squirm.

Harry’s hands smoothed up Draco’s thighs to his hips, fingers intertwining with Severus’, and then they were directing Draco’s movements together, as effortlessly in sync as always. Harry pushed his hips up into every thrust, thick shaft spearing Draco fast and hard and perfect. The way he and Severus were holding Draco, moving him as if he were a doll incapable of moving under his own power, sent little thrills coursing through Draco’s blood.

“Make him come,” Harry panted, his hips losing their regular rhythm and stuttering erratically.

Severus released Draco’s hips and reached around him, one hand pinching a nipple and the other wanking his cock rapidly. The confinement of Severus’ arms meant Draco couldn’t move as much, even with Harry’s hands still strong and demanding on his hips, so he rocked back and forth instead of bouncing up and down. The shift made Harry’s cock press repeatedly against his prostate and Draco moaned, pushing forward desperately into Severus’ hand. His skin prickled with rising heat.

Severus’s teeth dug into the side of his neck and Draco let out a strangled cry, coming fast and furiously over Harry’s chest. Harry answered him with a groan, cock pulsing inside Draco’s clenching hole. Draco knew there’d be bruises on his hips from Harry’s hands.

He sagged backwards against Severus’ chest, arse still flush with Harry’s hips, feeling Harry’s cock soften inside him. Severus played with Draco’s nipples while he waited for them to catch their breath. His fingers traced gentle circles around the little nubs, brushing over them repeatedly. Then, without warning, he tugged the right one hard and twisted it, making Draco gasp and jolt.

“My turn,” Severus murmured.

The ropes binding Draco’s wrists disappeared. His arms fell to his side, and Draco winced at the pins-and-needles tingle of returning blood. Severus lifted him off of Harry’s cock and pushed his upper body forward, so that Draco had to brace his hands on either side of Harry’s chest.

“Clean up that mess you made.”

Draco lowered his head to Harry’s chest and licked up his come, too far gone to be embarrassed. Harry moaned and ran his fingers through Draco’s hair at the same time that Severus pushed two fingers into Draco’s arse, prodding his over-sensitized prostate. Draco yelped and jerked forward, but Severus held him fast as he stroked the same spot repeatedly. It was too much for Draco’s overloaded nerves.

When Harry and Severus took turns with Draco, Severus almost always let Harry go first; he had a kink for fucking Draco right after he’d come. Draco thought it was because it pushed him to his limits to submit to Severus’ attentions when his body was thrumming with sensitivity. Or perhaps it was just that Severus enjoyed the way it made Draco gasp and squirm.

Severus withdrew his tormenting fingers and replaced them with his cock, a more intense but far sweeter torture. Draco bit down on Harry’s shoulder hard enough to make him grunt. Severus wasn’t gentle, but Draco didn’t need gentle. He needed fast and rough, needed to revel in his helplessness, in being allowed to simply be, with no worries or responsibilities. No control.

Harry ran his hands down Draco’s back and over Severus’ hands. Even though Draco had his eyes closed and his face buried in Harry’s neck, he knew they were looking at each other. Draco himself disliked eye contact during sex, finding it awkward, but Harry and Severus seemed to get off on it. Sometimes when Draco was watching them fuck, he had to look away when the way they stared into each other’s eyes grew too intense for him.

“You want Severus to come inside you, don’t you, Draco?” said Harry. “You love it when we fill you up.”

“Yes.” Draco squeezed his arse around Severus’ cock, shuddering at the too-pleasurable sensation it produced.

“Slut.” Harry’s tone was such that he might as well have said sweetheart.

Severus slammed his cock in to the hilt and ground his hips against Draco’s arse as he spilled his seed in hot pulses. Draco’s own cock stirred. He really did love it when Harry and Severus came inside him; it made their ownership of him that much more tangible.

Severus took time to catch his breath before easing out. Draco’s muscles were like jelly, so he simply lowered himself onto Harry, whose renewed erection pressed against his hip. Draco knew they would fuck again later, slowly, with Severus watching and directing, but for now he was content to be still and bask in the afterglow.

He purred in satisfaction when Severus laid next to them and rubbed a hand over his aching shoulderblades. Harry turned his head to kiss Severus soft and slow.

After a few minutes had passed, Harry said, “It means a lot to me that you came. Both of you.”

Draco kissed his chest without lifting his head. “You came to the Manor for the Midsummer celebration.”

“Yeah, and it was an epic disaster.”

“That was mostly Severus’ fault.”

“I beg your pardon?” Severus said indignantly.

“You set the rose garden on fire.”

“Your father was making appalling insinuations about our sex life.”

“He was complimenting your virility.”

“In the most insulting way possible.”

“He’s just jealous,” Harry said. “He wouldn’t have the stamina to keep up with two strapping young lads like you do.”

“Harry! That’s my father you’re talking about. Ugh.”

Severus snorted. “‘Strapping young lads’, my arse. Horrid little brats, more like.”

“I’ll show you brat.” Harry rolled over towards Severus, bringing Draco with him so he was caught between their bodies, and reached around him to pull Severus into a rough kiss.

There was nowhere else Draco would rather have been.

controlverse, ot3, fic

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