FIC: Penchant

Jan 12, 2011 15:00

Title: Penchant
Author: gypsyflame
Pairing(s): Neville/Draco, Harry/Draco, Ron/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~8,500
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of J.K. Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not for profit.
Warning(s): Non-monogamy; (consensual) gangbang; double penetration; spanking
Summary: Draco has a penchant for war heroes.
Author's Notes: Written for the Bottom!Draco fest at bottom_draco. Many thanks to plotting_pen for the lifesaving last-minute beta!

Draco had a penchant for powerful men.

It had started with his father, he supposed, though there had certainly been nothing sexual about their relationship. Perhaps it was more accurate to say that both his parents had taught him to respect and admire powerful people, whether witch or wizard. But Draco had realized early on that he was never going to be attracted to women.

Some might think it strange that Draco desired men who held power - physical, magical, political - rather than desiring to hold it himself. But for Draco, there was no greater power than knowing that a man with great authority and influence wanted him, would do anything to have him. That was true power.

Draco was easily bored, flitting from lover to lover without ever spending more than a few nights with any. There was one type of man, however, that managed to hold his interest for longer - men who, in the aftermath of the war with Voldemort, had been lauded as heroes. Men with immense power of every kind.

Three men in particular.


“Fuck, yeah, Malfoy - take it, you slut -”

Draco moaned his appreciation for Weasley’s obscene words, panting as his hand flew over his own cock. They had started out with Draco on his hands and knees in the middle of the hotel bed, but Weasley’s energetic thrusts had propelled them so far forward that Draco had to brace his free hand against the headboard to prevent Weasley from driving him into it face-first.

“Gonna make you come,” Weasley hissed. “Make you shoot all over the bed, just because you love my cock in your arse…”

“Harder.” Draco shoved himself back onto Weasley’s cock, relishing the burn in his arse and the ache in his thighs. “Bruise me, Weasley, come on, make me feel it -”

Weasley groaned and landed a hard smack on Draco’s arse, which was already tender from the spanking he had given Draco before they’d started to fuck. The bright flash of pleasure-pain was enough to send Draco hurtling over the edge, wanking himself furiously as his come painted the headboard and pillows. Weasley followed immediately, as he always did, loudly shouting his pleasure.

They uncoupled right away and lay on opposite sides of the bed, each avoiding the wet spot Draco had left. There was never any post-coital cuddling with Weasley, to both parties’ mutual satisfaction.

After a few minutes of blissful silence in which Draco seriously contemplated falling asleep - it was a very comfortable bed - Weasley stood and began gathering his clothing from where it had been scattered around the room.

“I have to get going,” Weasley said as he zipped his trousers. “I can’t stand that superior look Hermione gets on her face when she asks where I’ve been all afternoon - like she’s not off shagging Luna every chance she gets.”

Draco made no move to leave the bed, shifting onto his side to give his sore arse a break. “Why not tell her the truth? You’ve been fucking a hot blond who does things in bed she can’t even imagine.”

“So that if she decides to petition for divorce, she’ll have grounds for taking the kids? No, thanks.”

Weasley sat on a chair to pull on his shoes and socks. Draco watched him with building irritation. He didn’t actually want Weasley to tell anyone about their affair - it would complicate too many other things in his life - but he resented being abandoned at the Mandarin for a Mudblood.

“You can stay here, if you like.” Weasley stood up and shrugged back into his robes. “The room’s paid up until tomorrow.”

Draco let out a put-upon sigh and rolled onto his stomach, letting his thighs fall open a bit so Weasley could get a good look at what was between them. It had always driven the man mad to see his come in Draco’s arse.

“Fine,” said Draco. “Can you hand me my bag, then? I’ll need to find some way to amuse myself when you’re gone.”

Weasley grabbed Draco’s black valise from the desk and placed it next to him on the bed - eyes riveted to Draco’s backside the whole time. “What do you have in there?”

Instead of answering, Draco popped the catch on the bag and withdrew his favourite dildo, which rivaled Weasley in length and surpassed him in width. He ran his hand over it reverently.

“You -“ Weasley stopped, cleared his throat. “You’ll tire your arm out with that thing.”

“Not at all,” Draco said. “It’s charmed. I can just…lay on my back and let it work me over, take it into the bath -”

Weasley’s calloused hands felt rough against his skin. “That’s it. Turn over.”

“What about Granger?” Draco asked, knowing he had already won.

As Weasley pressed Draco into the mattress, he said, “Fuck Hermione.”

When Draco wanted it hard and fast, when he wanted to be manhandled and abused in the most pleasurable of ways, when he needed to be fucked raw, he went to Ronald Weasley.


“God, you’re amazing.” Potter dropped his head onto the back of his chair as he watched Draco rise up and down on his lap. “Don’t stop.”

“It wouldn’t kill you to do some of the work, you know,” Draco retorted. Though Potter’s hands were on his hips, they weren’t offering any assistance, and his legs were beginning to tire.

“It might.”

Draco rolled his eyes, then leaned backwards so his elbows were on Potter’s desk. That took some of the weight off his lower body, and had the added benefit of creating a much more pleasurable angle for him.

Rather than moving up and down, Draco started circling his hips, grinding Potter’s cock against his prostate. Potter gasped, his nails digging into Draco’s thighs.

“If you come before me, I’ll hex your balls off,” Draco warned him.

Potter’s hand closed around his cock, as Draco had intended, and stroked him masterfully. Draco let out an encouraging moan. He loved the way Potter was looking at him, like he’d never seen anything more arousing than Draco writhing on his cock wearing only a half-buttoned shirt.

“Where did you even learn to move like this?” Potter asked breathlessly.

“Born with it - oh, yes, Potter, just like -”

Draco bit his lip hard when he came, not wanting to make too much noise. Their office door was locked, but they weren’t allowed to put silencing spells up, and it was against policy for Auror partners to have a sexual relationship.

Now Potter seemed willing to show some initiative, lifting Draco’s arse a little and pushing up into him in a flurry of sharp, staccato thrusts. Draco let him take what he wanted; there were few things in life more thrilling than being the sole focus of the Chosen One’s attention.

Potter grunted, his hips slamming hard against Draco’s arse twice more as his cock pulsed deep within. With a sigh, he released his hold on Draco and slumped in the chair. Draco sagged further backwards over the desk.

“What were we doing before this started?” Potter finally said.

“Discussing who was going to do the paperwork for the Atwood case.” Draco sat upright and carefully lifted himself up, wincing as Potter’s cock slid free from his arse.

“Right, and how many times are we going to have that discussion? There’s only one fair way to do it, and that’s to split the work in half.”

Draco hit himself with a thorough cleaning spell and started putting his clothes back on. “I’m not entirely sure why you keep trying to use the concept of fairness in our arguments when you know I have no use for it.”

“Optimism?” Potter sighed, setting his own clothing to rights. “I’m still hoping that one day you’ll come around.”

“Fine,” said Draco, sitting at his own desk a few metres away. “How’s this? It’s not fair to make me do paperwork when I won’t possibly be able to concentrate on it, thanks to how sore my arse is. Which, I’d like to point out, is your fault.”

“You were on top!”

“If you weren’t so big, it wouldn’t be a problem.”

Potter wasn’t that big, though he was certainly above average, and Draco’s arse didn’t actually hurt. Sometimes he just liked to see how much he could get away with.

“I’m not big enough to hurt you when you’re on top,” Potter said, clearly unimpressed, “and I don’t think your arse is sore at all. You’re just lazy.”

Draco glared at him. Potter grinned.

“Okay, I’ll do it. But just because you’re so cute when you pout.”

Draco threw a paperweight at him, which Potter caught with ease before chuckling and turning his attention to the papers littering his desk. Now that his afternoon was free, Draco contemplated whether Pansy would be up for a shopping expedition.

When Draco was in a playful mood, when he wanted fun sex and teasing banter, when he felt like showing off, he went to Harry Potter.


“You’re so beautiful.”

Longbottom’s eyes were soft, his voice sincere. He rocked languidly inside Draco, his touch light and worshipful as his hands glided over Draco’s skin.

Draco tilted his head up for a kiss, sighing in contentment. Longbottom had more stamina than any other lover he had ever had. They had been at it for hours already, and Draco had already come twice, but Longbottom had yet to come at all.

It wasn’t that he had trouble climaxing; Draco knew for a fact that Longbottom could come in less than ten minutes, given the right incentives. It was just that he prioritized Draco’s pleasure so far above his own. In fact, it seemed like Longbottom took more pleasure in Draco’s orgasm than anything else.

“Can you come again?” Longbottom asked.

Draco nodded, his eyes closed. Before he’d started sleeping with Longbottom, he would have thought it impossible for him to come three times in the space of a few hours without the aid of magic. But he could already feel himself getting close.

Longbottom shifted so that one of Draco’s legs was draped over his back. “Is this good?”

“Mmm.” Draco couldn’t manage more than that. He could feel the orgasm rising slowly throughout his entire body, rather than just in his cock and balls. Even his scalp was tingling.

“You feel incredible.”

Longbottom was generous with his compliments, which Draco never failed to appreciate. He trailed a hand over Longbottom’s back, scratching a little. Longbottom always enjoyed that.

“Come on, gorgeous.” Longbottom slipped a hand between them to take hold of Draco’s cock. “Come for me, let me see how good you feel -”

Draco didn’t even have the energy to moan. He simply shuddered and gasped through his orgasm as Longbottom milked the few drops of come he was able to produce.

“Perfect,” Longbottom groaned into Draco’s neck. “So perfect, Draco.” For the first time that night, his hips lost their regular, controlled rhythm, thrusting erratically until Draco was filled with a flood of warm come.

Longbottom didn’t pull out, just relaxed a little, though he was careful not to put his full weight on Draco. He liked to stay inside until his cock had softened completely.

Draco didn’t mind. He was warm and content, more asleep than awake. It was rare for him to bring his lovers to his own home, and even rarer for him to let them stay the night, but he had grown to find Longbottom’s presence reassuring.

When Longbottom finally left Draco’s body, he didn’t go far, moving off to the side and holding Draco close. Draco was too sated to protest.

Longbottom kissed Draco’s ear. “Before I forget, I took a look at your wards like you asked. You were right; there are weak spots. I’ll patch them up in the morning after breakfast.”

“I want an omelet,” Draco mumbled.

He could feel Longbottom’s smile against the side of his head. “I’ll make you whatever you want,” Longbottom promised. He ran his fingers tenderly through Draco’s hair.

When Draco craved affection, when he wanted to be spoiled and indulged, when he needed to feel safe, he went to Neville Longbottom.


Friday found Draco in a bad mood. His latest fling, an Italian Quidditch player who was well on his way to international superstardom, had stood him up, leaving Draco feeling disgruntled and uncharacteristically self-doubting. He’d thought Maurizio was arse over tit for him, but apparently he’d been wrong.

As Draco walked up the path to his London townhouse, his mood went from bad to worse - his wards were down. Draco drew his wand. The only person besides his mother who had access to his house was Potter, thanks to the Ministry regulation that Auror partners be able to enter their partners’ homes freely in case of emergency. But neither Potter nor his mother would ever let themselves into Draco’s house so boldly.

Could it be an intruder? Longbottom had just strengthened the wards. That, of course, raised the possibility that it was Longbottom himself - that he had surreptitiously keyed himself to the wards while working on them. Draco couldn’t imagine him doing that, though.

The front door was closed, but not locked. Draco opened it silently and stepped into the foyer, pausing to listen for a moment. He could hear murmuring voices from the living room.

Heart in his throat, Draco crept along the hallway until he reached the open door. Then he straightened up and sheathed his wand with a sigh, heart returning from his throat to plummet into his stomach as three pairs of eyes turned to glare at him.

“Well, fuck,” he said.

From where he was leaning against the mantle, Potter said, “You have a lot of explaining to do, Malfoy.”

“I have explaining to do? You three are the ones trespassing on private property!” Draco considered making a run for it. None of his Gryffindor lovers looked like they were feeling violent, but neither did they look happy. Potter’s arms were crossed, his expression forbidding. Weasley was sprawled on the settee with a thunderous frown on his face. And Longbottom was sitting in an armchair, his entire body so tense it seemed he might snap.

“Don’t even think about it,” Weasley said. “You’d have to come back sometime.”

“Yes, because this is my house. And I don’t remember inviting any of you in. So get out.”

Potter shook his head. “We’re not going anywhere until you tell us what the hell you were thinking. Did you really believe we’d never find out? We’re all three of us best friends, for God’s sake!”

The truth was, Draco hadn’t believed they’d ever find out. They’d all had too much to lose - Weasley his children, Potter his job, and Longbottom… well, Draco had asked him not to tell anyone. He’d thought that the possibility of losing him would be enough to keep Longbottom’s mouth shut. Perhaps he’d been mistaken.

“It doesn’t matter to me if you know or not,” Draco lied. He was anxious, filled with nervous energy, and he had to do something or he would scream. He crossed to the sidetable and poured himself a drink, feigning nonchalance. “I haven’t done anything wrong. I never promised any of you anything.”

Longbottom visibly flinched at that, confirming Draco's suspicion that he was the weak link. And from the very unsubtle looks of sympathy that Potter and Weasley sent Longbottom's way, Draco had a pretty good idea as to why he'd spilled.

Draco cursed himself. He'd known Longbottom was falling in love with him. He should have ended things months ago, but he'd enjoyed Longbottom's attentions too much. Now he might lose three lovers at once - though Gryffindors might forgive his sleeping around, they'd never forgive him for breaking one of their hearts.

"What did you say to them?" he demanded of Longbottom. "Did you tell them that I had made some kind of commitment to you, that I had given you any reason to believe that there was more than just sex between us? Because you know I didn't. I don't play games like that."

Longbottom just closed his eyes. Potter and Weasley immediately jumped to his defense.

"You don't have to use words to make a promise," said Potter. "You of all people should know that, Malfoy."

Sounding disgusted, Weasley said, "I thought it was just a game, but you really are a slut."

Longbottom opened his eyes and glared at Weasley. "Don't call him that."

Weasley blinked, taken aback. "Er... okay. Sorry."

"I can't believe the nerve of you two," Draco spat. "How dare you stand there and judge me, as if you're any better? Weasley, you have a wife. And Potter, I know for a fact that you've had dozens of lovers since your divorce."

Potter snorted. "I don't care if you've fucked the entire Ministry from top to bottom. But you shouldn't make people believe things that aren't true. It's not right."

"I can't do this," Longbottom said, standing abruptly. "I can't -"

He made to move for the door, but Draco stopped him with a hand on his arm. It was important that Longbottom acknowledge his blamelessness. "I never said we were anything more than casual lovers."

"It felt like more," Longbottom said quietly.

Draco let his hand fall. Longbottom was right - it had felt like more. Wasn't that why Draco had kept him around for so long? Why he'd let Longbottom into his home, into his bed, where so few had been before him? Draco had wanted all the benefits of a long-term partner with none of the inconveniences.

He had used all three of them, but with Weasley and Potter, it was all right. They had been using him in turn, and the arrangements had been mutually beneficial. Longbottom hadn't been using Draco; he'd been loving him. Draco had known it and had been too selfish to stop it.

"It wasn't my intention to hurt you," said Draco. It was the closest he could bring himself to an apology. "That's not who I am anymore."

"I know. That's why I..." Longbottom looked away. "I know."

“You’ll have to do better than that.”

Draco hadn’t heard Potter move, so the voice directly behind him startled him badly. He tried to turn around, but strong hands on his hips prevented him from doing so.

“You may have treated Neville the worst, but you played all three of us. We’re going to need something more than ‘I didn’t mean to’.”

“Well, that’s all you’re getting.”

Weasley moved to stand next to Longbottom. “I don’t think so. What was the name of that bloke you were going to meet today? Fabrizio?”

“Maurizio,” Draco corrected automatically, and then his eyes widened at the implication. “What did you do to him?”

“Nothing,” said Potter. “He’s perfectly fine. We just suggested that he find entertainment elsewhere today.”

“You had no right -”

“You know what’s funny?” Weasley interrupted. “We asked him how long the two of you had been seeing each other, and he said you’d only spent one night together. In fact, as far as we’ve been able to tell, you never sleep with the same man more than a few times.”

“Except for the three of us, of course,” Potter said. “Why is that?”

Draco clenched his jaw. So they’d gone poking into his personal life, had they? At least Longbottom seemed to have had no part in it - he looked as confused as Draco was angry.

“Maybe he has a thing for Gryffindors.” Weasley spoke playfully, as if he knew that wasn’t true.

“Nah,” said Potter. “Then he’d have gone after Dean and Seamus, too - tried to collect the whole set. It’s not that.”

Longbottom frowned. “Harry, what -”

“There’s something else we three have in common, isn’t there?” One of Potter’s hands smoothed over Draco’s stomach. “Draco Malfoy has a kink for war heroes.”

Furious, Draco struggled to free himself, but Potter held him fast. Weasley and Longbottom just watched - Weasley with a smirk, Longbottom with wide eyes.

“I should have known you just wanted to be close to power, since you don’t have any of your own.”

Draco stopped struggling and laughed. “Is that what you think? That I feel powerless?”

“Don’t you?”

“Absolutely not. It’s true that the three of you possess certain kinds of power that I don’t. But I’m far from powerless. After all, it’s you who came here panting after me like dogs, not the other way around.” He pressed his arse back against Potter’s erection to prove his point. “What would you do right now to be able to fuck me? Almost anything I asked, I’d wager. Don’t tell me that’s not power.”

There was a moment of surprised silence while the three men digested what he’d said. Then Potter chuckled against Draco’s ear.

“Maybe you’re right. If you are, you won’t have any objections to what Ron and I have planned.”

“Planned?” Longbottom said sharply. “What are you talking about?”

“We didn’t tell you because we weren’t sure you’d go for it,” Weasley said to him.

“Go for what?”

“Malfoy wanted three heroes.” Potter slid his hand down to cup Draco’s cock, which until now had been mostly uninterested in the proceedings. “So he’s going to get three heroes.”

Draco’s breath caught. He couldn’t mean -

Potter’s voice was soft and full of dark promise. “Have you ever had three cocks at once?”

Draco’s knees buckled a little, but Potter supported him. He’d had threesomes, of course, but never more than two men at a time. What Potter was talking about… that meant…

Weasley was eyeing him dubiously. “Do you really think he can take it?”


“Take what?” said Longbottom. “You don’t mean… you want all of us to fuck him at once?”

“Well, one of us will have to settle with his mouth,” Potter said. “But I think a man with his experience can take two in the arse.”

Draco’s cock was rock-hard now, and not just because of Potter’s hand. It was something he’d always fantasized about but had never had the courage to try. Now that Potter was making the choice for him, his body ached with wanting it.

Longbottom, however, was not nearly as enthused. “Are you serious? Even leaving aside the fact that something like that would tear him apart - you do realize that you’re proposing that all of us have sex together? As in you and me and Ron?”


Longbottom spluttered.

“He needs to learn a lesson about what happens when you get greedy,” Weasley said, stepping close to Draco and overlapping his hand with Potter’s, so they were both rubbing his cock through his trousers.

A thoroughly embarrassing noise, somewhere between a moan and a whimper, escaped from Draco before he could stop it. To have Potter and Weasley touching him, wanting him at the same time was overwhelming. He dropped his head back on Potter’s shoulder and pushed his hips forward into their hands.

“Look how much he wants it,” said Potter.

Longbottom’s expression as he watched the three of them was a struggle between jealousy, arousal, and uncertainty. Draco didn’t want to take the chance that he would refuse, so he reached a hand out to him.

“Come here,” he said.

If there was one thing Draco could rely on, it was that Longbottom couldn’t deny him anything. He moved hesitantly towards them and took Draco’s hand. When Draco lifted his head from Potter’s shoulder for a kiss, Longbottom gave him one, albeit more chastely than Draco would have liked.

“Please,” Draco murmured against his lips. “I want to.”

“Are you sure?”

Draco was momentarily distracted by Weasley’s mouth nipping at his neck, but he kept his eyes on Longbottom’s. “Yes.”

“Come on, Nev,” Potter urged. “You don’t have to touch me or Ron if you don’t want to. But think about how hot it would be to watch him take all of us at once.”

Longbottom took a deep breath and then nodded decisively. “All right.”

“Where do you keep your toys, Malfoy?” Potter asked. “I know you have a whole closetful.”

“In the spare bedroom.”

“Lead the way, then.”

Draco felt bereft when Potter and Weasley released their holds on him, but he knew there was much better to come. The three men followed him upstairs; of all of them, only Longbottom had ever been there. Potter had never gone past the living room, and Weasley had never been in the house at all.

When they entered the bedroom, Draco flicked his wand to open the closet, relishing the astonished gasps of his lovers as they saw what lay within.

“Holy fuck,” Weasley breathed.

Potter hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d said Draco had a closetful of toys, though even he’d had no idea how big it was. The deep walk-in closet was packed from floor to ceiling with the gear Draco had acquired over the years, each handpicked and of the very highest quality - dildos, plugs, paddles, clamps, gags, restraints, and even more exotic items. It was a veritable shrine to kink, and Draco took great pride in it.

While Potter and Weasley’s eyes were riveted to the closet, Longbottom was looking at Draco like he’d never seen him before. They’d never had anything but the purest of vanilla sex. For a moment, Draco worried that Longbottom would back out, but he made no move to leave.

“Right,” said Potter. “Strip him down while I figure out what we need.”

Potter disappeared into the closet, and Weasley took Draco by surprise by yanking him into a kiss. It was rough and urgent, like all Weasley’s kisses. Draco pressed himself against Weasley and rubbed his cock against his hip.

“Yeah, you want this,” Weasley broke the kiss to growl. “You want to get filled with cock, don’t you, slut?”

Draco felt Longbottom tense up beside him. Before either Weasley or Longbottom could say anything, Draco turned in Weasley’s arms and caught Longbottom’s wrist. “Don’t,” he said. “I like it when he calls me that.”


Draco shrugged. “Does there need to be a reason? It turns me on.”

Longbottom nodded, but he still looked troubled. Draco pulled him close and kissed him without moving away from Weasley. The sensation of two strong bodies on either side of his own made his heart race.

Longbottom was hesitant at first, especially when Weasley slipped a hand between them to unbutton Draco’s shirt. But Draco was insistent, not letting him pull away, and soon Longbottom relaxed and kissed him with his usual passion.

Weasley slipped Draco’s shirt from his shoulders and let it fall to the floor, running his hands over the exposed skin and grinding his erection against Draco’s arse. “Help me get the rest of his kit off,” he said.

Longbottom pressed a final kiss against Draco’s lips and pulled back, reaching down to unbutton Draco’s trousers. With the combined efforts of him and Weasley, Draco was naked in record time.

Weasley turned Draco around and bent him over the waist-high bureau, smoothing his hand down Draco’s back to grab a handful of his arse. Draco instinctively widened his legs and pushed back into the touch.

“Gods, he’s got the finest fucking arse I’ve ever seen.”

“Yeah,” Longbottom agreed. Now that Draco was naked, his voice held a lot less apprehension and a lot more lust.

“He ever let you spank him?”

“Spank him?”

Draco glared at Weasley over his shoulder. “I don’t think that’s something Longbottom’s interested in,” he said warningly. If Weasley ruined this for him by scaring Longbottom off, Draco would throttle him.

“Bollocks,” Weasley said, oblivious to Draco’s tone. He landed a hard smack on Draco’s arse, making Draco moan and drop his head onto his arms. “See, Neville, he loves it. Nothing works him up more than getting his arse worked over.”

“That’s a bit of an exaggeration,” Draco objected.

“But you like it?” Longbottom rested his hand lightly on the other side of Draco’s arse.

“Yes, but you don’t have to -”

Longbottom gave him a gentle slap - too gentle to arouse Draco under normal circumstances, but these circumstances were far from normal. This was Neville fucking Longbottom spanking him while Ron Weasley watched and Harry Potter rummaged around in his toy closet so that they could all three fuck him together. Draco couldn’t be anything but aroused.

“He’s not going to break,” Weasley said with a chuckle, his tone one of fond amusement rather than derision.

Longbottom sighed. “I’ve never hit anyone before.”

“Don’t think of it as hitting. It doesn’t hurt him, not really. He wants you to do it. There’s nothing wrong with smacking his arse if he likes it. Right, Malfoy?”

“Right,” Draco said, though he was only half-aware of what Weasley was saying, due to the fact that both men still had their hands on his arse.

“I guess…” Longbottom smacked Draco again, this time hard enough to send Draco’s body rocking forward.

“That’s it,” said Weasley, and Draco would have laughed at his encouraging tone if he hadn’t been so turned on that he feared embarrassing himself by coming all over the dresser.

The two men played with Draco’s arse, slapping and squeezing it. Draco groaned and shifted under the casual, unhurried touches, fingernails leaving what were sure to be irreparable gouges in the bureau’s wooden surface.

“That’s enough,” Potter said from behind them. “We don’t want his arse sore before we even get started.”

Weasley and Longbottom let go reluctantly, and Draco straightened up. He turned around, leaning back against the bureau with an air of nonchalance designed to hide the fact that his knees were so weak he couldn’t stand unsupported. “Did you get what you need?” he asked.

“Yeah.” Potter pointed to the bed. A small, wedge-shaped ramp had been set up near the foot.

Draco raised his eyebrows. “That’s all?”

“No.” Potter didn’t elaborate further. He moved forward and pressed Draco back against the dresser, kissing him deep and slow before pulling back a bit to nip at Draco’s earlobe. “You seem a little wobbly,” he said with mock concern. “Do you need me to carry you to the bed?”

Glaring, Draco shoved him away. “I can walk, thank you.”

Potter grinned and made a flourishing gesture towards the bed. “After you, then.”

Pure stubbornness kept Draco steady as he walked to the bed. He knelt on the foot, running his hand over the ramp. Potter’s intentions were clear: the high part of the wedge faced the foot of the bed, with the ramp declining towards the head. If Draco laid himself over it, his arse would be propped up high in the air, giving the three other men easy access to it.

His heart beating faster just at the thought, Draco settled his hips on the edge and draped the rest of his body down the ramp. The foam material was firm and supportive, making the position quite comfortable.

He felt a weight sink onto the bed directly behind him and hands running up his thighs. “Okay?” Potter asked.


“Ron, Nev, come hold his legs open for me. We need to stretch him first.”

Weasley and Longbottom sat on either side of Potter, each taking one of Draco’s legs and spreading him wide - not far enough to cause him any physical discomfort, but enough so that he felt terribly, deliciously exposed. Draco shuddered.

“Are you sure this is possible?” Longbottom said. “I mean, without hurting him?”

“Sure,” said Potter. “We just have to take it slow and prep him really well. It takes a while, but it’s definitely worth it.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve done it.”

“You have not.” Weasley sounded more intrigued than disbelieving. “With who?”

“Couple that picked me up in a bar, looking for a threesome. They were -”

“Excuse me,” Draco interrupted, highly irritated at being ignored. “Are you going to do it, or just talk about it?”

“Sorry.” Potter laid a kiss on the base of Draco’s spine before slipping an oiled finger inside him. “Is this better?”


Potter fingered him slowly and thoroughly, working him open with one finger at first, then two, then three. It was different than any fingering Draco had received from Potter before, particularly because Potter seemed to be purposely avoiding Draco’s prostate, which Draco thought horribly impolite of him. Longbottom and Weasley were stroking his legs as they held him open, and Draco would have been able to tell which was which even with his eyes closed - Weasley’s hands were rougher, his touch firmer, whereas Longbottom’s were soft and gentle. The number of hands on him, all touching him in different ways, was a constant reminder to Draco that there were three men, three powerful men, all wanting him at the same time.

Draco squirmed restlessly on the ramp, pushing his arse back on Potter’s fingers in an attempt to get them to brush up against his prostate, but to no avail. “Potter,” he said, frustrated.

“Don’t want you getting too worked up too soon,” Potter said, unperturbed. “There’s no point in us all fucking you at once if you’re not going to enjoy it. But I suppose we can move on.”

There was a rustling noise, a muttered “Oh fuck, yeah” from Weasley, and then the slick, blunt head of a dildo was pressing into Draco’s arse. He could tell from the feel of it that it was one of his standards, a satisfying size but easy to take, especially when he’d been well-prepared. Potter slid the entire length home with one smooth movement. Draco gasped and arched his back, fingers digging into the ramp.

“Merlin,” Longbottom said.

“I’m assuming you’ve never seen him take one of these before?” Potter thrust the dildo in and out, the strokes slow and steady and maddening.


“Do you want to -”


Potter moved back a little, and Longbottom leaned over, grasping the base of the dildo. He maintained Potter’s leisurely pace. “You look amazing,” he said to Draco. “Does it feel good?”

“It would feel better if you’d move a little faster,” Draco said, his breath ragged.

“No can do, Malfoy,” said Potter. “We’re trying to stretch you out, not get you off. Keep on like that, Neville, and I’ll…”

Potter trailed off as one of fingers pressed against the place where Draco’s hole was stretched around the dildo. He rubbed the tight skin for a few moments, and then, as the dildo was on one of its out strokes, Potter pushed his finger firmly inside.

“Fuck!” Draco’s entire body jerked at the unexpected intrusion.

Potter rubbed Draco’s back with his free hand. “Relax. You’ll hurt yourself if you keep thrashing around like that. Ron, a little help?”

Potter hooked his finger in Draco’s hole and pulled it open far enough that Weasley could fit one of his fingers inside as well. They carefully stretched him all around the base of the dildo, which Longbottom kept in constant, relentless motion.

“Oh, gods,” Draco whimpered, his outstretched hands roaming over the bed. “Oh, oh, oh, please -”

“One more step,” said Potter, voice markedly lower than before.

The fingers and dildo were removed from Draco’s arse, leaving him wretchedly empty. He squirmed, trying to rub his throbbing cock against the ramp.

Weasley’s shocked, “What the hell is that?” made Draco go still.

“What does it look like?” Potter returned.

“It looks like a joke.”

Draco immediately knew what they were talking about. His muscles tensed with nervous excitement.

“Are you sure that’ll fit?” said Longbottom.

“It’s big, but not as big as two of us together will be,” Potter said. “Besides, Malfoy wouldn’t own it if he didn’t use it.”

Draco did indeed use the dildo in question - by far the biggest one he owned - but not very often. It was so large that it required extensive preparation, and it couldn’t give him the kind of hard fucking he usually wanted. He only used it when he was feeling particularly needy.

Potter ran the heavy weight of the dildo up the inside of Draco’s thigh until it nudged his balls. “Keep holding him open.”

Weasley and Longbottom’s hands had slackened on Draco’s legs, but now they tightened their grips and pulled his legs apart again, even wider than before. Draco could feel the gazes of all three men riveted to him, hungry and admiring. Their desire made him flush with pride and pleasure.

The head of the dildo grazed over Draco’s hole. “Ready?” Potter asked.

“Just put it in me.”

The thick, blunt head pushed into Draco more easily than it usually did, but it was still enough to wrench a long, low groan from his throat. He clutched the edges of the ramp tightly, body trembling as Potter gradually worked the huge dildo into his arse.

“You’re shaking,” Longbottom observed, breathing harsh and heavy.

“Feels good,” Draco managed to get out.

“Looks good,” Weasley said. “I’ve never seen anyone take anything so big, but it’s just…sliding right in…”

Potter finally got the entire length of the dildo settled. He rubbed the tense muscles of Draco’s back with his free hand. “You’re doing great.” He rocked the toy gently inside Draco, bringing all of its considerable weight against Draco’s prostate.

Draco yelped and bucked his hips, though Longbottom and Weasley kept him from moving too much. “Fuck, Potter, I can’t take anymore. Do it now.”

“Are you -”


Potter withdrew the dildo very carefully, but Draco still felt like half his insides went with it. Weasley and Longbottom released his legs and helped him sit up on the bed. Potter pulled Draco into his lap and snogged him soundly, while Weasley and Longbottom covered his neck and shoulders with kisses.

When Potter broke the kiss, Longbottom said, “How are we going to do this?”

“I’ll tell you how we’re not going to do it,” Draco said, “and that’s with me the only one naked and you three fully dressed.”

Potter and Weasley started stripping off right away, but Longbottom hesitated, casting an uncomfortable sideways glance at his friends. Draco caught Longbottom’s chin and made the man look at him, instead.

“Don’t worry about them,” he said. “I want to feel your skin on mine.”

Longbottom took a sharp breath and nodded, pulling off his shirt. Draco turned to look back at Potter and Weasley, and his own breath stalled when he saw the two men wanking each other with an air of casual exploration. It was unexpectedly arousing.

But this was supposed to be about Draco, after all, and he wanted both men’s attention on him. He cleared his throat.

Potter grinned at him knowingly but didn’t stop pumping Weasley’s cock. “You really can’t stand not being the centre of attention, can you?”

“No,” Draco said without shame. “And if you keep me waiting much longer, I might change my mind.”

Potter snorted, and he and Weasley let go of each other. “Who wants his mouth?” Potter asked.

“I do,” said Weasley.

“All right. Neville, lay down on your back. Malfoy, get on top of him.”

Longbottom reclined in the center of the bed, watching with hot eyes as Draco moved to straddle him. Draco held his cock steady with one hand and lowered himself onto it, surprised by how loose he felt. Usually, Longbottom’s cock was a tight fit, but now it slid inside Draco easily with room to spare.

Draco leaned forward, planting his hands on either side of Longbottom’s head and giving him a hard kiss. Longbottom kissed back, fingers ghosting over Draco’s hips and ribcage. Their simultaneous gasps of surprise were muffled in each other’s mouths as Potter pushed two fingers inside, right up against Longbottom’s cock.

Whatever Potter felt must have satisfied him, because he pulled his fingers out mere seconds later and tapped Draco’s hip. “Up on your knees. Neville, hold him open for me.”

Draco raised himself up until only the head of Longbottom’s cock was still inside him, moving his hands to rest on Longbottom’s chest while Longbottom reached around and spread the cheeks of his arse wide for Potter’s convenience.

When Potter’s cock pushed against Draco’s hole, seeking entrance, Draco felt a fleeting moment of horrifying certainty that he would never be able to fit both men inside him. There was an instant of tremendous, painful pressure, and then the head of Potter’s cock popped through, making all three of them groan in relief.

“Hold still,” Potter said to Draco, his cock slowly sliding deeper. “Nev, move against me.”

Longbottom lifted his hips to thrust up into Draco as Potter pulled back, both men’s movements slow and controlled. “Like that?” Longbottom asked, panting.


They continued moving, stroking in and out in perfect counterpoint. Draco couldn’t move, couldn’t speak; he was completely paralyzed by the flood of overwhelming pleasure that was spiralling through him. There was pain, too, but not nearly enough to distract him, and it grew dimmer with every passing moment.

His paralysis was broken when Weasley moved to kneel over Longbottom’s chest, taking gentle hold of Draco’s hair with one hand and using the other to guide his cock to Draco’s lips. Draco opened his mouth and swallowed it down without hesitation. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate on giving a blowjob, not when he was being fucked like this, but he knew Weasley wouldn’t mind doing most of the work.

As Weasley started fucking his mouth, with Potter and Longbottom still filling his arse, Draco’s brain began to shut down. He’d never known pleasure like this - stuffed full of cock, stretched to his absolute limit, held up between three powerful men and shared among them. Potter and Longbottom’s cocks slid against each other inside him, opening him up in ways he’d never felt and brushing against nerves he’d never known he had; Weasley was heavy and delicious on his tongue, down his throat. Draco moaned, and it came out sounding like a sob.

As though Draco’s noise of pleasure were some kind of signal, all three men sped up - almost imperceptibly at first, then faster and faster, until Draco’s arse was being pounded open and he could barely breathe through the face-fucking Weasley was giving him. The grunts and groans and outright cries of all four men echoed through the room. Draco’s body shook uncontrollably, and he spread his knees as wide as he could get them, fingernails leaving bloody tracks where they dug into the skin of Longbottom’s stomach and chest.

He was helpless, devastatingly vulnerable, completely at their mercy. Yet Draco had never felt more powerful.

His orgasm took him by surprise, especially since he hadn’t had a hand on his cock since they’d started. The fucking proved to be enough, and Draco screamed around Weasley’s cock as his come shot all over Longbottom’s chest, some of it even landing on Weasley’s thighs.

“Fuck, oh, God,” Potter moaned as Draco’s hole clenched down around him, and he came as well, hips coming to a rest against Draco’s arse.

Longbottom stilled, though Draco could tell from the tenseness of his muscles and the heaviness of his breathing how difficult it was for him to do so. Weasley pulled his cock out of Draco’s mouth, and Draco sagged, laying down to rest his chest against Longbottom’s.

“Hold on,” Potter mumbled, and Draco and Longbottom both shuddered as he slowly pulled out. Potter moved off to the side, stretching out next to Longbottom with a sigh of satisfaction.

“Let me get in there,” said Weasley. “His mouth is useless like this.”

Longbottom nodded, and Weasley moved behind Draco, easing his cock inside. He wasn’t as thick as Potter, and Draco’s muscles were further loosened from his orgasm, so the double penetration was easier. Draco exhaled, still chest-to-chest with Longbottom, who ran a soothing hand through his hair.

It felt different this time - slower, lazier. With Draco positioned the way he was, Longbottom couldn’t do much more than rock inside him, while Weasley leaned over them both, hips rolling in slow, gentle strokes. Without the urgency of his own arousal to attend to, Draco was able to relax and just enjoy the sensations washing through him. He didn’t think he could ever get enough of feeling so full, so open, so fucked.

When Weasley grunted and started thrusting harder, orgasm seemingly imminent, Draco’s cock took interest again. It stirred where it was rubbing against Longbottom’s stomach, sticky with Draco’s previous release. Longbottom felt it and moaned, hips surging up a bit harder, and that was enough to push Weasley over the brink. He let out a low, drawn-out shout as he came.

Longbottom didn’t stop this time. He continued thrusting up into Draco even as Weasley’s cock softened against his.

“Fuck, Neville, give a bloke a second, will you?” Weasley said, flinching at the overstimulation.

“Can’t,” Longbottom gasped. There was a wild look in his eyes that Draco had never seen before.

Weasley managed to withdraw, and Draco made a dissatisfied noise at the aching emptiness that followed. He was so loose now that he could barely feel Longbottom inside him.

In the time it took Draco to blink, Longbottom summoned his wand from his discarded clothing and pressed the tip against Draco’s hip, never pausing in his thrusts. He muttered a spell, and Draco cried out as the muscles of his arse instantly tightened, returning to their original tension and squeezing almost painfully tightly around Longbottom’s thick shaft. Most of Potter and Weasley’s come was forced from his body, dripping down Draco’s thighs and Longbottom’s cock.

Longbottom dropped his wand, threw an arm around Draco’s waist, and rolled them both over without pulling out. He grabbed Draco’s thighs and pushed his legs up and open, holding him wide while he set to pounding Draco into the mattress.

Draco was shocked. Longbottom had never been so rough with him, had never manhandled him like this before. It was intensely arousing to see his good-natured, soft-hearted lover lose control in such a manner, and Draco’s cock swelled and pulsed with the thrill of it.

He was only half-aware of Weasley and Potter leaving the room, voices hushed and faintly amused, shutting the door softly behind them. Longbottom bit Draco’s neck, sucking hard. It was going to leave a mark. Longbottom never left marks.

“Longbottom,” Draco groaned, overcome.

Longbottom lifted his head from Draco’s neck and looked into his eyes, expression fierce. “Neville.”

Draco stared up at him uncomprehendingly for a few seconds before he understood what Longbottom wanted. He shook his head mutely.

Longbottom scowled, his grip on Draco’s legs tightening, and he deliberately shifted his angle so that his cock brushed right over Draco’s prostate. Draco wailed, back arching. Every thrust worked that incredible spot, making his toes curl and his hands fist in the sheets.

“Say it.”

“Neville,” Draco cried, relenting. “Merlin, oh, Neville, please -”

“Touch yourself. Come for me. For me.”

Draco took hold of his cock and wanked hard and fast, using his other hand to grasp the back of Longbottom’s neck and pull him down for a desperate kiss. He came when Longbottom bit his lip, gasping with the blinding pleasure, and Longbottom followed less than half a second later.

Every muscle in Draco’s body went limp, sagging into the mattress. His bones felt like water; he wouldn’t even have been able to lift his head if asked to. As his eyes drifted shut, he could feel his own pulse pounding in his ears.

“I love you,” Longbottom whispered, still inside.

Draco took a sharp breath, eyes flying open. “Don’t say that.”

“Why not? It’s true.”

“You shouldn’t.”

“I do.”

Draco wanted to push Longbottom off him, but he didn’t have the strength. He settled for turning his head to the side to avoid Longbottom’s piercing gaze. “I can’t be what you need.”

“And what is it you think I need?”

“I can’t be monogamous.”

Longbottom didn’t say anything, so Draco chanced a look at him. He didn’t seem upset, just thoughtful.

“It’s not that I don’t want to… to be with you,” Draco tried to explain. “But I just - that’s not me. It’s not in my nature. Even if I tried, I would be unfaithful to you eventually. I won’t put either of us in that situation.”

“Draco,” Longbottom said, “I never cared that you were having sex with other people. I didn’t know them. And I knew - or I thought I knew - that I was different to you. That I meant more. That was all I cared about. That’s why it hurt so much when I found out about Harry and Ron. I thought I was different, but I was just… one of three.”

“You were different,” Draco said quietly.

“You slept with them as often as you slept with me. You wanted them just as much.”

“Perhaps. But they were never in my bed. They never spent the night. I never felt the way with them that I felt with you.”

Longbottom was silent for a moment, processing that. Then he said, “They won’t sleep with you anymore. Not now that they know how I feel about you. Even if I tell them I don’t care, they won’t do it.”

“I know.” Draco sighed. He’d been aware all along that this would be the last time he had with Potter and Weasley. Damn Gryffindors and their self-sacrificing ideas of what constituted friendship.

“I want you, Draco. I want to share my life with you. I don’t care if you don’t want to be monogamous. As long as I know I’m the one you come home to every night - and as long as you don’t sleep with my friends - it won’t bother me.”

“You say that now -”

“I mean it,” Longbottom said firmly. “Don’t tell me that I don’t know myself and what I want.”

He sounded so earnest, so honest, but still Draco hesitated.

“Let’s at least try.”

“Fine,” said Draco. “But don’t blame me when it all blows up in our faces.”

Longbottom grinned. “It won’t. And you know, I wouldn’t mind doing this sort of thing again. Every once and awhile. If you wanted.”

“What sort of thing?”

Longbottom shrugged, looking suddenly flustered and a lot more like himself than he had for most of the evening. Draco found it reassuring, like being back on solid ground after a week at sea.

He smirked. “You mean sharing me with other men? Liked that, did you?”


Draco kissed him. “I think we can work something out.”

He wondered if now was a good time to mention his standing date with Minister Shacklebolt.

neville/draco, ron/draco, harry/draco, fic

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