I dreamed in German last night!!! Isn't that cool? Okay, I didn't really dream IN German, there was just this one part wheresomeone said something in German. They said Mit zu gekommen. I think...Something like that. I know it involved Mit gekommen, which means something like come along with us.
Last night I had some people over. It was fun...we ate brownies-"That's Katherine's Brownie"
We watched the unedited version of Rip MIA. Oh Good times. (Rip MIA is a rip vanwinkle movie we made back in 10th or 11th grade.)
Then we played Balderdash..it was fun. Soogeemoogee. Funniest word ever.
Anyway, I am now going to post about Avi and Rob's play--
Oh my gosh I really loved this play. It made me laugh. And man, Jill can sing. She was so good. Rob was awesome with his wonderful nonspeaking role. And he looked Hot instage makeup. Teehee.
Avianna was awesome. She is an excellent actor, because it is like she is not acting. She is huge with her emotins anyway. And Lady Larken was just like Avi. And I really believed Avi was in love with Bradley. Not so much, did I believe he was in love with her. Kent asked me if I was surprised that Avi could sing that well. And I wasn't really. I expected her to be able to sing. And I could tell that a lot of the songs were out of her comfortable range. Anyway I really enjoyed the play.
My problems with it were, the night before I had just gone to a play at my high school, so I was having trouble being used to a gym and bleachers and not n auditorium or a real stage. But I think you guys did really well with what you had. I actually liked your stage setup. Also, Not everyone was comfortable on the stage...but that's okay. But I liked it and I think ROb and Avi did well.
Yeah, my church split because it was really big. We used to go in Monroe and now we go in Weddington, except they haven't built the church there yet so we get to go to church in Pineville. Yeah, funstuff. Monroe is super small now. I feel sorry for them. Oh Well. I shall now go try and find a ride to Lancaster. This not being able to drive thing is annoying.