There is nothing better than a nice fresh glazed doughnut with a yummy cup of hot chocolate both of which my school provided this morning. It has changed my perspective on life. This morning I came to school expecting to go to my Jazz History class but no it has been cancelled. Grrr. And then I needed another class because I need to have 15 credit hours. I ended up signing up for a Music Appreciation class which thankfully is open and I now have 3 class on Tuesday and thursday mornings and a class monday night and a class tuesday night. That's life. Now I just need to add this language lab thing which I must do in person and also get a parking decal.
I haven't posted since Christmas mostly because I haven't had access to a computer with an internet. I have lost my library card for the fifth time. I am going to get a keychain one. In good news the library nazi has retired and I can feel safe going to my town's library. Lot's of places are opening near my house. I am trying to get a job at the Movie Gallery that is 5 minutes from my house but if that doesn't work I will go to the Cafe Carolina Bakery.
I went sledding while in ohio over Christmas and I came home all bruised and banged up. Sledding is super fun but it hurts. I saw Ocean's Twelve it's Ok but kinda wierd jumptheshark ish. I was unable to have a fun movie night because I had a bit of a mishap that I don't want to go into. I did however have a superfun New Year's Eve. I went over to Rob's house with Avi's family and James came and Andrew Joyner came. We ate and talked about papercuts and the GFC(Great Female Conspiracy not great like awesome but Great like Powerful). We hung out in the bonus room and played pool and video games. We ate good fudge and drank sparkling cider. We participated in our favorite past time, piling everyone on the couch. We came downstairs in time to watch the ball drop and then we spoke of watch making. Avi talked to Rob and it appeared as if she had fun. Rob's parents kicked us out and then I went to Avi's house and spent the night. Andrew Joyner took James "home" and they spoke of good times in 8th grade when we made this one teacher flip out and quit.
I went iceskating and hungout at the mall did bunches of other stuff. James came over a bunch and we watched Napolean dynamite and went on walks around my yard being spied upon by my brothers. I showed him around my yard. We saw my dog Pongo's grave. I got Pongo(he was not a dalmation but a beautiful red dog) when I was 6 and he died in June around the time the 3rd Harry Potter movie came out. It was sad and I hadn't been to the grave since he died and I was all sad and missing Pongo. We went to basketball games and hung out with Katherine and ate at Taco Bell and played Soul Caliber two.
In related video game news, I have played Halo 2 and I really don't like it. It's not that I don't like first person shotters but maybe it is that, I dunno. But I love Soul Caliber 2. I have played only one character cuz I like to specialize. She is Seoung Mina or however she spells it and she is rock awesome with a glaive. She has awesome range and has cool moves. I can wail on people and there is serious ownage. We do this thing in my church where all the Young Single Adults hangout on Sunday and Wednesday nights. We hang out at these one people's house and they have a home theater and they have an xbox hooked up to the screen. It is crazy awesome. I was able to kill all these people. James can still beat me sometimes. It is hard for me to beat Kilik cause he has the same kind of weapon, a staff. But I can usually own all the other characters with some regulaity unless I am playing an expert type person, but I can especially beat the big huge guys like Astaroth and spawn. It took me a while to figure out how to beat Yoshimitsu or whatever because he is way wierd. but now I can. Xianghua is also semi hard to beat because she does this one move(go away go away go away, that is what she says and it is darn annoying). But sorry for rambling about this game but it has been a while since I have played a video game good enough to ramble about it. Ahh the good old days of Sonic and Rocket Knight Adventures. Oh and I heard that there used to be a text only Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy game, does anyone know anyhting about this? Lizzie can you ask Mr. Phaneuf cuz if anyone would know, he would.
Anyway here are some goals and resolutiond for the new year.
To finally read all the way through the Lord of the Rings
To start exercising with some regularity
to learn Tae Kwon Doe
To get a job and save a bunch of money for school
to get accepted into Western and get all that stuff wrapped up
to keep up with playing my clarinet
to drink a glass of milk everyday
to learn how to juggle
to write one thing every month
to do as edmund the wandering poet suggested and write about one beautiful thing everyday
other stuff
It's good to be back online
*****Does this mood mean I am working right now cause that is not a real mood or it could mean life is working for me right now*****