So on Saturday the Disney store is Hosting a "Perfect Princess Party" ( and Me and my Friend Charity (with whom I went to see the Princess and the Frog) were supposed to go but, she can't attend. So I then asked my best friend but she was all "No Mariana You're 18! You don't need to be a Princess" and I'm like "Princess= What we should all aspire to be". I was getting so angry because I really wanted to go and Was afraid I would miss it. Luckily however, my mom's boyfriend has a 4 year-old daughter, so I'm taking her. I would go by myself but I'm not that secure (yet, which is wierd) and a teenager around a bunch of little girls? People might think I'm a creeper.
-But my question to you all is, would any of you attend something like this, or do you think you'd be to old?
-And...overall how do you all feel about the princess frachise?
-Personally, I think they need to put a break on some merchandising and need to show the princesses individuality more (Why can't Belle be holding a book? Why is Mulan IN HER MATCHMAKING UNIFORM?) But being the kid-at-heart that I am Everytime I see something Princess my eyes start to sparkle and my mind is just "WOW OMG SLEEPING BEAUTY KEYCHAIN YEAH I TOTALLY NEED THIS OH LOOK LITTLE MERMAID STICKERS YESSSS". Haha, but no, I'm not kidding I have a princess sleeping bag.