
Jul 01, 2005 09:29

I haven't been happy with my decks for a while now. I was using the Crowley and a R-W deck, but I've kind of put them on the back burner for a while now because of my dissatisfaction. After the initial "Oh-ah", I wasn't resonating with the imagery at all.

So, yesterday, after some online searches, I go into the store thinking I'll buy the Vision Quest cards (even though I read a site about how they, like all other "native american" themed decks, are offensive to our indigenous cultures). It wasn't there; however, I did pick up the Tarot of Transformation by Willow Arlenea and Jasmin Lee Cori. Beautiful deck and the imagery is spectacular. There are some slight focus changes on a few of the cards and it is pretty chick-oriented, but I think it'll be worth the adjustment and since I am a chick, I appreciate the chick-i-ness. LOL

Today's card:
2- The High Priestess: Feminine Mysteries and Intuitive Wisdom
The book provides a pretty standard meaning, but there are a couple of interesting points that seem to be related to my state of mind. The picture is of a woman lifting a veil - a "crack" between the worlds and a symbol for bringing mystical consciousness into our lives - and it also has a spiraling womb. The text from the book talks about the womb, saying "In a more general way, this card represents the feminine mode of consciousness. It is the receptive, intuitive mind, what we might call 'moon consciousness.' There isn't alot of support for this in the modern world, but that doesn't matter to the High Priestess. She is unconcerned with the ways of man; her loyalty is to universal laws that run much deeper."  To me, moon-consciousness reeked of moon-time. And, as my emotionality has been foreshadowing, I'm about due for it (new moon cycle). And, I'm about due for some major vegging tonight.

Not sure if I'm going to post my pulls or not, but I'm hoping to start doing a one a day thing again. These cards aren't so much about divination, but transforming your mind in a positive way. Which I can deal with.. I started wondering a while back if my draws were a self-fulfilling prophecy, and then went into a go-with-the-flow phase. But, I have to start working on a "divination" skill again, so I think I'm going with this. And, eventually, I may create a book of symbols that I find for myself.

I also wanted to tell y'all about the deck. It's great, check it out!! EDIT: Artist's site is http://www.designsbywillow.com/

Yeah, so to the guys, I apologize for all the girly talk lately...
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