Pics by request

Jan 31, 2007 18:31

Ok people, here it is!  I told my dear readers to request any aspect of my life they wanted to see a pic of...and here we have it.

Challis requested:

The street in front of where I live

On the street you can see the car that thinks my spot is his and got his ass towed last night.  I know that the spot goes unused on account of Karyn not really being around, but why should she pay for some random dude to have a spot?  Especially since he parks horribly and dings my door every freaking day.
Challis also wanted to see a pic of the store where I do most of my grocery shopping:

Yay Wegmans (especially w Adam, as pictured) - it's a surprisingly posh store for our small town.

Annelise wanted to see pics of my bedtime ritual.  I tried taking pics of me going through said ritual...but it just turned out as lots of pics of have my face while I was sticking various things in my you get a bunch of objects:

If I wore makeup that day (which is rare), I use my facial cleansing towelettes to clean it off.  I don't like the name brand, they are overpriced and pretty sucky.  This is one item I will enter wal-mart to buy, because I can buy about 4 months worth in on trip for about $4.  Then I take my birth control and brush my teeth.

The last things I do are check my email and other sites one last time, then put on a tv episode to fall asleep to - lately, it's The Office.

jaybuls wanted to see the contents of my purse:

Pictured here (with the kick ass purse I got in Salem on Halloween) is my keys, my wallet, my checkbook, a pair of earrings my aunt gave me for Xmas, about 78 cents, a memory card for my camera, my camera case (the camera was in the purse but that poses a problem in taking a picture), a couple of random notes, a handful of worthless receipts, empty birth control container (the green pills are sugar pills for boys who don't know how these things work), pencil, sharpie, USB drive, scotch tape, cell phone, and 4 games for the GameBoy Advance.

thalia1369 requested page 44 of my favorite book and my math teacher

10 cool points if you know what book it is!

Crispy, I didn't creepily ask for a pic, I found one on the internet.  Or is that even creepier?

Amanda made some of the most awesome requests:
1) my freezer - no, I'm not an alcoholic - people give me little bottles of liquor as opening/closing gifts

2)View from sitting on my toilet

but that doesn't do justice to my beautiful here THAT is

3)Something I stole

Yes, I finally stole a tube from a bank - I'd fantasized about it since childhood and I finally did it.

4)Something I keep meaning to throw away (this was re-iterated by Challis)

A work order for some maintenance stuff, and packaging from a birth control refill (that makes 3 pics my birth control has appeared in).  And no, I didn't throw it away yet...even though I took this like a week ago.

Allison wanted to see my bedroom...which took 3 pics and I did not clean up first

There's usually a purple mosquito net canopy, but I knocked it down coming back from the bathroom in middle of the night and haven't found the special screw thing to put it back up. And yup,  I built the "loft" myself.

And finally

The only part NOT pictured was my closet...which was what
leluangel requested.

Not much in there because most of it is still in a variety of bags from my several trips over the last few months.
Kristy also wanted to see my favorite thing.  That was really hard.  I have amassed a lot of cool shit in my life, also I have friends who give fantastic gifts.  We've already looked at my computer - which is sort of my most prized possesion besides my car.  We've also already looked at my coveted bank tube.  If you look at all the crap on shelf by my mirror you'll see other cool stuff - but if I had to pick one thing that I think is ridiculously cool and I'm so proud to own due to its would be THIS:

That's right, my frog purse.  Let me clarify - this is made from an actual dead toad.  My sister found it at a flea market, stuffed with brazilian news papers from the late 60s.  There's a zipper running down its belly (don't put in loose change, the mouth isn't sealed - but the asshole is), it's creepy and fabulous. 
I think that's about it - thanks for your requests, I hope it was all you hoped.
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